Preview för Dead Meat
Show | Net | Time | Viewership (million, Live+SD) | Adults 18-49 rating (Live+SD) |
True Blood |
HBOM | 9:02 PM | 4.357 | 2.4 |
BREAK- | HBOM | 9:57 PM | 3.466 | 1.9 |
NAKED AND AFRAID- | DISC | 10:00 PM | 3.616 | 1.6 |
KEEPING UP KARDASHIANS- | ENT | 9:00 PM | 2.827 | 1.4 |
NASCAR SPRINT CUP L- | ESPN | 1:00 PM | 5.460 | 1.3 |
Dexter S8- | SHO1 | 9:02 PM | 2.550 | 1.2 |
REAL HSWIVES OF NJ- | BRVO | 8:00 PM | 2.481 | 1.2 |
DEVIOUS MAIDS- | LIF | 10:01 PM | 2.884 | 1.1 |
FALLING SKIES- | TNT | 10:00 PM | 3.055 | 1.0 |
SPRINT CUP POST RACE L- | ESPN | 4:22 PM | 3.811 | 1.0 |
MOUNTAIN MEN- | HIST | 9:00 PM | 3.742 | 1.0 |
Family Guy- | ADSM | 10:30 PM | 2.106 | 0.9 |
DUCK DYNASTY- | AEN | 9:30 PM | 2.321 | 0.9 |
Family Guy- | ADSM | 11:30 PM | 2.239 | 0.9 |
DUCK DYNASTY- | AEN | 9:00 PM | 2.157 | 0.9 |
FOOD NETWORK STAR 9- | FOOD | 9:00 PM | 2.838 | 0.9 |
NEWSROOM, THE- | HBOM | 10:02 PM | 1.804 | 0.8 |
BOBS BURGERS- | ADSM | 11:00 PM | 1.785 | 0.8 |
Sister Wives- | TLC | 9:00 PM | 1.974 | 0.8 |
DUCK DYNASTY- | AEN | 8:30 PM | 2.030 | 0.8 |
BAR RESCUE- | SPIKE | 9:00 PM | 1.482 | 0.8 |
BREAK- | HBOM | 8:54 PM | 1.491 | 0.8 |
DUCK DYNASTY- | AEN | 8:00 PM | 1.902 | 0.8 |
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Precis sett avsnitt 7 In the Evening *Spoilers*

Mer Stephen i Chicago
Don't you feel me

Bästa replikerna från Don't you feel me
Sookie to Ben: He’s not my father, it’s the spirit of my dead father inside him. Blast him with your light, maybe you’ll make the sun of a bitch leave.
Eric to Steve: I see you Steve Newlin.
Steve to Eric: I had nothing to do with this; they made me.
Lafayette to Ben: So let me get this hetero straight, you is a vampire that can come out in the day time. Oh, there goes the damn neighborhood.
Bill: It’s happening.
Jason to recruiter: I want you to know that every minute you waste not fast tracking me on to this fuck fanger police force is a minute wasted where I’m not out there fucking fangers up.
Recuiter to Jason: Sir, the LAVTF does not exist to fuck anyone up.
Jason to recruiter: Just slicing that mother fucker across his or her neck is a pretty strong weakness I think.
Bill to Takahashi: I need you to put me into a coma.
Takahashi to Bill: You people, you’re all crazy, I would not know where to begin.
Sookie to Ben: Well, if you don’t want to hurt me, than why don’t you, just not.
Andy: Christ Fandango!
Daughter #4 to Andy: Do you think that before you go to work you could maybe give me a real name?
Daughter #4: So my name is Adelynn, Braylin, Charlaine, Danika?
Terry to Lafayette, there’s no “the fuck, I just think we have the kind of friendship where we can give each other keys is all.
Arlene to Holly: I feel it in my gut and you know a woman’s guts is never wrong. My life just don’t work without that man.
Holly to Arlene: My son’s friends Dad’s husband owes me one.
Ben to Sookie: I’ve done a lot of things in this unending lifetime that I regret, but waiting for you is not one of them.
Ben to Sookie: I killed Lillith because I despise what she’s turned me into. I despise the pain, the aching hunger inside me. I despise what this hunger has made me do, but if you agreed to be mine, it would all be over, it would be a closed circle, you and me. We could live wherever want, go wherever we want we could be everything to each other because we would need only one another’s blood to survive. I would never have to hurt anybody else. There would never be anybody else, just you and me.
Sookie to Ben: But, I’d be a vampire.
Governor Burrell to Eric: That vamp queen human has come in handy; he knows everything.
Governor Burrell to Eric: I want you to feel the same immeasurable loss. I want you to understand what it’s like to lose part of who you are.
Lab technician to Eric: My team is cautiously optimistic that our virus can be spread any number of ways, by ingestion, through copulation, both vaginal and anal and, of course, the old standby, injection.
Lillith to Bill: The tyrant took your progeny, the blonde took our salvation.
Bill to Lillith: I come seeking salvation and you just give me riddles.
Lillith to Bill: Life is a riddle, death has no answers.
Lillith to Bill: The time to act is now. Do not come to me seeking answers again.
Arlene/Gay Vampire, Matt to Terry: All your regrets are gone. There was no marines, there was no war, all he needs to know is that he is a father, a step father a husband and a cook.
Gay vampire (Matt): Nobody ever pulls over a Camry.
Jason to Sarah: Grabbing you by your pretty little texas balls. I’m getting Jessica outa here and if you even think about telling them who I am then I’ll tell them all about you and me and what a whore for Christ you are.
Willa to the Governor: I’m dead and you’re still over protective, well isn’t that just perfect.
Willa to the Governor: Well, it’s not like you to act like a pussy whipped mother fucker but you’re sure as shit acting like one.
Governor to Willa: Let’s just pray we can fix you.
Willa to the Governor: Fix me? Now you’re playing God.
Alcide’s dad to Alcide: You were either going to make the best or the worst decision of your life, either way I wasn’t going to miss it. I’m proud of you son.
Bill to Takahashi: The tyrant has my progeny; we’re out of time. Give me the blood you have.
Sarah to Jason: Welcome to the copulation study.
Jason to Sarah: Could you define what that is?
Sarah to Jason: It’s fucking Jason, you know what that is. Part of our job is watching vampires do it.
Jason to Sarah: Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy others do it, but don’t it take two to tango?
James: I’m a vampire, not a rapist.
James to Jessica: You’re a beautiful person and you don’t deserve this.
Jessica to James: I’m not a person; yea I do.
James: Fuck you and your lights.
Terry to Arlene: That’s what marriage is all about, anticipating needs.
Arlene to Terry: Think about all the joy in your life, your family, us, your children and the beautiful baby boy we brought into this world.
Governor reading: Yes you shall lie down and your sleep shall be sweet, be not afraid of suddon fear neither of the desolation of the wicked when it commeth. Bobby, the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from the snare.
Governor to Bill: My daughter is gone too. One of you all took her from me. My Willa, she’s my reason to live so Fuck it. I figure I’ll be a martyr for the cause, the extinction of your race.
Eric to Willa: Well done, baby vampire.
Eric to Willa: I’m gonna need you to keep that coat clean for me, so please take it off and then rip her arm off.
Sookie to Ben: There’s a town consensus of what kind of girl I am. Want to take a guess at what it is? They call me a danger whore.
Sookie to Ben: I might be a whore, but I ain’t stupid.
Mina tankar om Don't you Feel me

Mina tankar om Don't you Feel me

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Mina tankar om Don't you Feel me

Mina tankar om Don't you Feel me

Nu är min fundering bara... Vi har 3 stycken grupper som är på väg att försöka få ut alla... Eric, Willa och Nora försöker få ut alla deras vänner. Bill är väl främst där för Jessica men jag tror att han vill ha med de andra också? Och Jason är också där för att få ut Jessica för han vet ju inte att Tara och de är där inne än...
Ny ide inför hösten!

Stephen Moyer i Chicago
Intervjuer från Säsong 6 Premiären

Titel ändring för avsnitt 10

Titel ändring för avsnitt 8

True Bloods tittarsiffror
Show | Net | Time | Viewers (000) (Live + SD) | Adult 18-49 Rating (Live + SD) |
True Blood | HBOM | 9:03 PM | 4472 | 2.4 |
BREAK | HBOM | 9:58 PM | 2952 | 1.5 |
NAKED AND AFRAID | DISC | 10:00 PM | 3273 | 1.4 |
KEEPING UP KARDASHIANS | ENT | 9:00 PM | 2671 | 1.4 |
REAL HSWIVES OF NJ | BRVO | 8:00 PM | 2830 | 1.3 |
FALLING SKIES | TNT | 10:00 PM | 3740 | 1.3 |
GOLF: OPEN CHAMPIONSHIP L | ESPN | 7:56 AM | 4372 | 1.2 |
Dexter S8 | SHO1 | 9:02 PM | 2471 | 1.2 |
Sister Wives | TLC | 9:00 PM | 2575 | 1.0 |
DEVIOUS MAIDS | LIF | 10:01 PM | 2778 | 1.0 |
BREAK | HBOM | 8:54 PM | 1922 | 1.0 |
Family Guy | ADSM | 11:30 PM | 1987 | 1.0 |
Family Guy | ADSM | 10:30 PM | 2080 | 1.0 |
BOBS BURGERS | ADSM | 11:00 PM | 1916 | 0.9 |
TNT BIG PICTURE MOVIES | TNT | 8:00 PM | 3151 | 0.9 |
BAR RESCUE | SPIKE | 9:00 PM | 1550 | 0.9 |
NEWSROOM, THE | HBOM | 10:02 PM | 1882 | 0.8 |
NAKED AND AFRAID | DISC | 11:00 PM | 1835 | 0.8 |
DUE DATE | TBSC | 8:00 PM | 1493 | 0.8 |
MOUNTAIN MEN | HIST | 9:00 PM | 2880 | 0.8 |