Steve Newlins Field Guide

Klipp från In the Evening
Intervju med Anna Paquin
God wants me to fuck you
Bilderna från Stephens intervju

Intervju med Stephen Moyer
Klipp från In the Evening
Klipp från In the Evening
Fråga om döden i förra avsnittet *SPOILERS*

Preview till In the Evening
Inside the episode Don't you feel me
intervju med Joe Maganiello
Vilket avsnitt
Jag såg avsnittet igår men det strular med internet. Men herre min skapare vilket avsnitt!!!!!! Det är så många tankat kring det och jag kommer skriva dem, tror mig! Men oj vad bra, man tänker hela tiden "vilket avsnitt, detta går inte att toppa" men det gör de om och om igen! Storyn som de visar och allt det är så bra och allt. Jag älskar Bills entré när han hälsar på vakterna och guvernören ;)
True Blood panelen på Comic Con
Klipp från säsong 6 avsnitt 6 Don't you feel me
Recap av Fuck the Pain Away
Bästa replikerna från Fuck the Pain away
Resten som också var asgrymma:
Sookie to Ben: I’d be real careful what you say right now because I’ve got a vampire killing ball right behind your head and I’m mighty ready to use it.
Sookie to Ben: I don’t know why vampires feel the need to lie to me, to hunt me to terrorize me in my own home.
Ben to Sookie: You are my intended, I’ve wandered this world for millennia and misery and solitude waiting for you, dreaming only of you. It’s my destiny.
Sookie to Ben: Fuck destiny.
Jessica to Bill: I feel like I want to have sex or die or die having sex.
Pam to LAVTF Guard: All in the name of Science, huh? Try to explain the scientific value of this?
Sarah to Truman Burrell: I had to learn the hard way, once they’re turned, they’re gone.
Sarah to Truman Burrell: Do not take me for granted. That is what Steve did and I won’t have it. When a woman comes to you in black lingerie, you unwrap her.
Bill to Ben: Lillith is part of me, she’s guiding me, I am a prophet in her name. I drank her blood and now I have her memories of you.
Lillith to Ben: God spoke to me of a creature like you. You are destined to save vampire-kind.
Bill (Lillith) to Ben: I made you into our salvation.
Sarah to Jason: I was very much hopin’ I could save your soul.
Jason to Sarah: My soul’s doing fine itself, thank you very much.
Jason to Sarah: Listen here, you always seemed like a nice lady behind the crazy and the hate, but I ain’t the same dumb kid you met at the fellowship; I’ve been places, I’ve done things.
Sarah to Jason: Jason Stackhouse, I never felt more holy than when I was with you and I truly believe that God wants me to fuck you.
Jessica to Sarah: I always hated the fucking book of Mark.
Sarah to Jason: My body is a fuckin’ temple and you have defiled it with you vampire lovin’ pecker.
Pam to LAVTF shrink: Hold the fuck up, am I in therapy.
Pam to LAVTF shrink:I don’t give a shit about what the incentive is, I’m not gonna talk about my feelings.
Pam to LAVTF shrink: What about the other room? The one where you all had the vampires fucking, the one with that hideous fluorescent lighting. Put me in that room and I will fuck somebody for ya’ll.
Pam to LAVTF shrink:Your insignificance to me cannot be underestimated. You are food, nothing else, not even good food, you reek of tuna fish. The truth is, I care more about that tuna you ate than I do about you.
Lafayette to Sookie: Well hello sugar boo boo, now what is you doing here at your place of work because I know it isn’t work.
Terry to Justin: How would you like to kill me? I can pay you, it won’t be much but you won’t be doing it for free.
Pam to LAVTF shrink: I like to think of myself as especially un-remorseful, but I doubt any of us gives a fuck.
Pam to LAVTF shrink: I feel nothing. You humans love your pain don’t ya? You just love being in it, you even consider it a virture. Cry the most at a funeral; you must be the best person. You promise to never forget each other; you promise to feel the sting of a loss, forever, because for ya’ll forever is just the blink of an eye; you’re lives are pathetically brief. When we say forever; we have to mean it, so we move past our pain, we heal, we move on, because pain is a worthless emotion. For a time, my maker was everything to me; he released me; it hurt. Now, I’m over it; he’s nobody to me.
LAVTF Guard to Tara: Burrell’s daughter is a VIP; don’t mix with you gen. pop. Vampires.
Steve to the Governor: Oh, I think you’re going to grow to appreciate me, have a seat, enjoy the show.
Eric to the Governor: Allright Governor, give me something to kill.
Sarah to Eric and Pam: Haven’t you seen Gladiator, fuckin’ fight!
Lafayette as Sookie’s father to Sookie: You’ll never understand how much I love you baby girl sometimes parents do things that don’t make sense to their kids, but when you get to the other side I hope you’ll understand, I’ll be seeing you real soon.
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