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Bästa replikerna från In the Evening
Pam to Willa: Severed arm, not bad but too obvious.
Eric to Bill: I don’t know what you are. All I know is I saw Sookie stake you and you survived, but if you are God, please heal her for me.
Nora to Eric: I’d rather die than have Lillith’s blood.
Bill to Nora: This is her dying wish, we have to honor it.
Sarah to Truman’s head: Truman Burrell, you were a decent man, and your commitment to this cause was whole and it was pure. But, these monsters pray on the pure. Know that your death was not in vane for it will galvanize the forces against this evil we fight . This is part of God’s Plans and GOD IS GOOD!
Sarah to State Senator about Lt. Gov. – I am not letting that Rhino, with his folksy bullshit step one foot near this office.
Sarah to State Senator: Have them move the late great governor’s body away and dispose of it, and I don’t want to know how, but I do hear acid is effective.
Sarah to State Senator: Hep V will spread like wildfire. Just you wait senator, when God’s message is this clear, I am a truly an unstoppable woman.
Sookie to Ben: This is a first, making out with a man in broad daylight.
Ben to Sookie: You just wrote our wedding vows.
Arlene in the graveyard: Maybe now you’ll rest baby.
Arlene to Sookie: I got a glimmer of what it was going to be like; life with him happy and it was the best feeling I ever had.
Sam to Nicole: My friend died, not being there is not an option.
Arlene to Lafayette: You’re a liar and a voodoo queer.
Jason to Jessica: My thoughts ain’t always so clear; but my heart, it ain’t never been so clear.
Jason to Jessica: You don’t have that stockholder syndrome do you?
Jessica to Jason: Jason, you cannot stop bad things from happening to me; we don’t live in that kind of world. All you can do is go on being the sweet, wonderful man that you are.
Alcide’s Dad to Alcide: Problem is, I f**ked up so many times, ain’t nothing I say is gonna mean much to you. That’s my cross to bear.
James to Jessica: Vampires choose to forfeit their souls. I’m not saying I’m a saint, but I made a different choice.
James to Jessica: I feel like a fool; I never really bought the whole immortality thing. I always knew I’d go at some point and now that it’s so soon, there’s just so much I could a done.
Jessica to James: right now, in this moment, all I wanna do is make love to you. I’ve never been with a vampire; I always wondered what all the fuss was about.
Eric to Bill: Do you want to hear me say the words? I believe you, I believe in you; I believe that you are divine.
Bill to Eric: I can see the future, Eric, but there is one vision that has yet to manifest. I saw a white circular room in which Pam, Jessica, Tara and you all meet the sun in that room Eric. That’s why I’m going to get Warlow.
Bill to Eric: You are in the vision Eric. One way or another, you are going to be in that room when the roof opens. If you come with me, maybe we could stop it.
Arlene to Sookie: You know, before it was like someone was scalping my brain away, one slice at a time and plucking out my heart with one of those little crab forks, but now thanks to this, it just feels like someone was crashing my windpipe.
Arlene to Bill: Shit, this shit’s real, ain’t it. You’re walking’ in the daylight.
Lafayette to Sookie: You mind telling me what’s going on with all these f**kin’ vampires walking around in the daytime?
Lafayette: I’m so glad I took my beta blockers, deuces.
Sookie to Bill: So, let me get this right. You’re willing to sacrifice me and/or Warlow, who are real by the way, for the sake of a hypothetical progeny that you saw on some vision?
Sookie to Bill: Pam’s my friend?
Bill to Sookie: It would be foolish of me to let your anger at me get in the way of protecting the ones that you love. Foresake them, and there will be many more days like this in the not too distant future.
Pam to Dr. Finn: Thank God, I was just starting to feel confessional.
Pam to Dr. Finn: As a student of Freud, I’d of thought you had a better grasp on the title of “appetites.”
Pam to Dr. Finn: So, when I say I’m not hungry because I’m horny, you get it.
Pam to Dr. Finn: You’d be surprised what a girl can accomplish in solitary.
Pam to Dr. Finn: For one, I f**k a lot. Secondly, I own a bar, Fangtasia, where humans come to get off. I believe it’s success is due in large part to my astute understanding of human desire. The desire to be devoured or. enveloped by a warm hungry animal, or obliterated one juicy bite at a time.
Pam to Dr. Finn: So you want inside….my head? How deep do you want to go?
Sarah to Guards and Jason: Throw his ass in female gen pop 1. Have fun with your sluts.
Tara to the vampires in Gen Pop 1: Back off Bitches
Violet to Gen Pop 1: Ladies, please, he’s mine.
Rikki to Alcide: Of course, I’d be a lot happier if you weren’t lying through your mother f**king teeth right now.
Eric to Godric: Godric whatever magic you possess, could you use it now please. I beg of you Godric, could you give her one more chance, like you did before.
Nora to Eric (Flashback scene): My death shall be my own.
Eric to Nora: He called you stubborn but he has that confused with courage it would seem.
Nora to Eric: You have a look of destiny about you.
Eric to Nora: Let me take you to my father, he will heal you. You will live fully and forever, I promise.
Nora to Eric: And, so we end as we begin.
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