Hemma igen :)
Ehh det blev kort... Men tänkte att ni ville veta... :)

Nasta avsnitt : ''Hitting the Ground''
Anna Paquin i Times Magazine

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Postmortem avsnitt 6 ''Trouble''
'Digging In the Dirt'
Haha jag tycker det ar lite kul nar HBO skojar med sin egna serie

Recap 'Trouble' + nasta avsnitt 'I Got a Right to Sing The Blues'
Gissa vem som kommer sitta bankad framfor tv ikvall?!

Vem ar den ratta killen for Sookie??

Vem tycker du Sookie ska valja??

Jessicas blogg!!
Ville bara tipsa om at Jessica har uppdaterat sin blogg!! Inte med ett video inlagg denna gang men med en bild ;)
Hennes blogg hittar ni HAR
Den finns aven till vanster bland lankar

Video från nästa avsnitt!
Kevin Alejandro i The Advocate Magazine

Intervju med Rutina Wesley
Video med Stephen Moyer på Tonight’s Show with Jay Leno
Stephen Moyer backstage på Jay Leno
Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer & Alexander Skarsgård på 4 Seasons Hotel

Kristin Bauer på The Patterns for Paws Benefit

Nilli is back!

Recap ''9 Crimes'' + Video till nasta avsnitt ''Trouble''
Jessica har uppdaterat sin blogg
Har ar borjan på dom:
Fruit Leathers and Chicken Babies
The last thing I ate? A fruit leather. Lame, I know. And here I am now, workin' at a restaurant that serves burgers and rings and, like, seven types of beer, and I'm never gonna be able to have any of it. Kinda funny, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED to have a job (my first job, actually!) but the ironies of bein' a vampire seem never-endin'.Och
The Solid Kind of Happy
I've been wonderin' about my human family a lot lately. Not the pinin', missin' kind of wonderin', but the curious kind. I think it's 'cause my human birthday is coming up. I haven't told Bill or Sookie or anyone about it. Doesn't really matter anymore, I guess, it's not like I'm going to turn eighteen. But like, what's my mama wearin' today?

(Eftersom Nilli ar borta, tankte jag uppdatera lite)
Reser bort!


Fanny lyckas uppdatera!!
Och spoilervarning for er som inte vill veta nagot om bockerna:
Det ar Elvis!! Jag forstod inte heller det direkt, men sen berattar som mer om hur han dog och hans liv... (Att han tog en overdos och att en vampyr typ jobbade på sjukhuset eller nat och han nastan var dod men inte riktigt, sa den vampyren ''ändrade'' honom) Men tyvarr sa forstorde drogerna hans hjarna sa det ar darfor han ar lite... efter..? Och han blir inte heller glad nar man namner hans forflutna.

Dagens bild
True Blood tar över!

Intervju med härliga Stephen Moyer

Radiointervju med Carrie Preston
De frågade också varför serier som True Blood, Vampire Diaries och filmer som Twilight är så populära och då sade Carrie, " vi lever i ett ungdoms-besatt kultur.", HAHA!

Du kan lyssna på hela intervju på blocket webbplats.

Joe Manganiello spelar Baseboll

Photoshoot med Deborah Ann Woll

Intervju med Ers Höghet!

Yes, the fangs are a challenge. Especially if you have a lot of “S” words. For instance, “Sookie Stackhouse” is a killer. We usually have to re-record some of the lines we say with fangs.
Were you already familiar with True Blood and/or the books of Charlaine Harris when you were cast for the role as Russell Edgington?
Yes, I had read around three or four of the books after I got the job and enjoyed them very much. I’m also a big fan of Alan Ball’s and so had watched True Blood from the beginning and was a big fan of the show and like everyone else, looked forward to the third season and then, lo and behold, I was on it.
How have you prepared for your role as the King of Mississippi?
I always do a lot of research for all my roles. In the case of Russell Edgington, because he is so ancient, there was a lot more history to cover. It was fun, though, and I indulged my inner history geek by doing tons of reading on ancient Rome, Greece, the early early medieval period, Charlemagne’s period, high middle ages, etc. I also did a lot of thinking and exploring about what it would be like to be immortal, to be a night creature, to be powerful.
Most of the cast members have been together since the first season of the show. How was you first day on the set working with all these people, who were already such a ensemble?
My first episode was their second episode so it was a little strange for me. We had a table read and we all gathered in a large trailer on location in Griffith Park in L.A. and I went around the table introducing myself. I was nervous but I found that I knew a lot of the cast members or knew people in common so it felt a lot more comfortable. A lot of us have lived in New York at one time or another and so have bumped into each other.
Do you yourself have any belief in the supernatural? Could there actually be vampires out there? Or at least ghosts, something paranormal?
I hate to disappoint but I’m hyper-rational. But I believe in the power of the imagination and in story-telling.
And now the question of all questions for your fans: Can you please give us a small preview of your role as Russell Edgington? And perhaps a glimpse of what will happen in Season 3?
Russell is a fascinating character who has many many levels. As the season progresses, you will get to see his compassion, his ruthlessness, his anger, his pain, his love for Talbot, his dreams for the vampire kingdom, his contempt for humanity, his affection for werewolves and his fascination of Sookie. Russell wants more power – he wants to rule more and more of America and he feels that he is the best person for the job and he will go about collecting power in many ways. He is not always predictable given that he is an “ancient” being who is governed by rules and morals that may be incomprehensible to modern people.
Do you share any traits with your character? Do you admire or dislike anything in particular about the character you are playing?
First off, I never judge my characters – that is not my job. I take them as they are and I try to understand why they behave the way they do. Everyone thinks they’re right at all times. Everyone is invested in their own agenda and their own point of view and in that respect, I am Russell’s champion. I think I am dogged and loyal like Russell. I’m a little out of step myself and I have a birds-eye perspective about humanity in the same way as Russell. I don’t drink blood in my day to day life however.
Is there any other role on True Blood that you would want to take on, even just for one day?
Nope. Very happy with Russell.
True Blood has a reputation for being upfront about sex and skin; if you were required for the reality of the character to reveal a little more for your role, would you have a problem with that?
I already have. In episode 10 I have a scene in bed. I reveal some – not all.
Is there anything else your fans should know about you? Or that you would like to share with them?
Hmm … Well, I live in Brooklyn, New York with my boyfriend of 10 years, Hugo, who is a designer. We have a 12 year-old-Shiba Inu named Cleopatra.
I’m working to update my Web site and make it more interactive and more user-friendly. You can find out more about me there.
Intervju med Rutina Wesley
Video med Ryan Kwanten när han besöker The Ronald McDonald House

Dagens bild

9 crimes - eftersnack

Trailer till avsnitt 5!

Lindsay Pulsipher pratar Crystal Norris och True Blood

Last time we talked ‘The Beast’ was coming out on DVD and you were just starting ‘True Blood’. Can you talk about how you got involved with ‘True Blood’?
Lindsay Pulsipher: It was just a regular audition through my agent and my manager, they’d set it up. I had two auditions, both with Alan Ball in the room. The second one Ryan Kwanten auditioned with me and a few hours later I found out I got the part. It was a very fast process.
Was it nerve racking to have the creator in the room or have you been through that before?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I’ve experienced it before and to be honest it’s actually a relief for me. It’s one less step that I have to go through since he’s right there. It’s less stress.
Were you a fan of ‘True Blood’ before auditioning?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I was a fan of the show. I was a fan of Alan Ball’s previous project for sure and to be cast in a show that you’re already a fan of is a huge honor. It was very exciting.
Are you Team Eric or Team Bill right now?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I think it would be very interesting to see a Sookie/Eric relationship happen, mix it up. I think it’d be fun and interesting for the audience for sure.
Crystal is your character’s name though we haven’t found that out yet. Can you talk about who she is and what she’s going to be doing in the show?
Lindsay Pulsipher: She’s, as you saw in the second episode, in a meth lab and gets busted by the police and she’s kind of grownup on that compound and lived a very sheltered life. She hasn’t really lived outside of that drug world and when she’s sees Jason there in the woods I think something is sparked in her that she’s never really experienced before. That’s a life and possibly a relationship outside of her compound. This season you’ll definitely see a meeting between Jason and Crystal and a relationship blossom and explode.
Does she have a supernatural aspect to her or is she straight up human?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I guess you’ll have to just watch.
Should we expect some sexy scenes between you and Jason?
Lindsay Pulsipher: Definitely. I think that it wouldn’t be a Jason Stackhouse storyline if there weren’t. There’ll be some romps in the woods.
How was it shooting those intimate scenes with Ryan?
Lindsay Pulsipher: Those kinds of scenes, there’s so much going on outside of the actual work. You go into your professional mode and you don’t think too much outside of the work. Usually it’s not a big deal because it’s all about the work and it’s just another scene. I think you have to look at it through your character’s eyes as opposed to your own.
Does she get involved with any other characters on the show or is it just Jason?
Lindsay Pulsipher: No. She definitely has some interactions with some of the other characters. Without giving too much away she’ll definitely come into contact with some other people in Bon Temps, for sure.
Is there a character or actor that you didn’t get a chance to work with that you wish you’d had?
Lindsay Pulsipher: Actually, yeah, there’s about ten. It’s so funny. We joke that ‘True Blood’, especially this season, there are so many characters and storylines that we’re all kind of on our own separate little shows. There were a lot of characters that I’d really love to work with and I hope that next season I’ll get to.
Can you mention a name or two that you’d like to work with, without giving too much away?
Lindsay Pulsipher: Well, I guess I can’t answer that.
You mentioned next season. Does that mean she’ll be back?
Lindsay Pulsipher: You’ll have to wait and find out.
Any other hints about a favorite episode maybe that you shot, hints about something coming up for her?
Lindsay Pulsipher: The season finale is going to be incredible. We just wrapped. It’s going to be incredible, so exciting and there’s so much going on. There’s a lot of typical cliffhangers and it’s just really, really exciting.
It must be exciting to be done and now know everything that’s going to happen.
Lindsay Pulsipher: I know. I got that last script and I always get very excited to read all of them and the last script definitely didn’t disappoint.
How many episodes do you appear in this season?
Lindsay Pulsipher: Coming up this next week is when my character really starts to show up more. I’m going to be in nine episodes this season.
What’s the atmosphere on set like compared to other projects that you’ve worked on before?
Lindsay Pulsipher: It’s one of the most friendly and welcoming sets that I’ve ever worked on. Everybody is buddies and everyone is friends. There’s a lot of goofing off and joking around. It’s very easy to be on set. The crew and the cast get along just great and are constantly interacting with each other. There are no egos at all. It’s just a real fun set.
Have you experienced any of the fandom for the show?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I think because it is so early I haven’t yet. But I do know that ‘True Blood’ has an amazing fan base so who knows what’s in the future. For now it’s been pretty quiet as far as Crystal goes. Maybe once I’m on some more they’ll be more aware.
Are you going to Comic Con with ‘True Blood’?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I’m not going to be there this season but I know that there are going to be a lot of people and it’s going to be insane, really fun.
Have you been to Comic Con before?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I haven’t, no.
Can you talk about being on HBO versus A&E with ‘The Beast’; is there any difference?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I feel our generation is so blessed because we have such great television available now. I almost feel like our contribution to cinema is the great TV that’s coming out right now. I feel like every cable network are all producing such amazing TV and such great shows. I feel blessed to have been a part of two really amazing shows and I feel like our generation just gets to experience some of the best TV in history.
Any updates on ‘Do Not Disturb’?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I don’t have any details, as far as release dates but I do know that they’re getting ready to submit it to festivals. I’m guessing probably sometime later this year.
You’ve worked in television and film. Is there one that like you better and do you know what you’d like to do moving forward?
Lindsay Pulsipher: Like I said, with this generation of TV being so rich and so amazing. I feel like it’s right up there on par with film and so I’m happy to do both. I think that film gives you something that TV doesn’t and TV gives you different elements that you don’t get on a film set. I appreciate them both and I hope to continuing both of them.
How is it different as an actress preparing for a film as opposed to working in TV?
Lindsay Pulsipher: I wouldn’t say it’s necessarily easier to know everything upfront but I’d definitely say that TV will keep you on your toes. There’s always an element of surprise and spontaneity that comes with every new TV script, each new episode. With film you have time to really think about the character and see the whole process beforehand. You know the whole entire script and you know the story with a film. I feel like there’s some spontaneity that comes with TV that’s really exciting. Then there’s also some comfort in film knowing exactly what your character is going to go through. You get to see the whole picture. They’re definitely different but both exciting.
Intervju med Kristin Bauer

I think Pam has some of the best scenes in the show, especially when she tried to stop Sookie in the season premiere.
Right?! I am so lucky to have such great words to say.
How do you relate to your character? She’s not human, but there are human elements to Pam.
Definitely, she was human 100 years ago. She was also very eager to leave that world once she saw the option of Eric’s power and immortality and she’s never looked back. That’s one of the things that makes Pam so much fun to play. She is un-remorseful, unapologetic, which are two traits some of us could probably use a touch of. She is, in some ways, who I wish I could be but alas, that directness might leave me very lonely.
What do you think Pam was like in her human life?
I have no idea, and hope to find out! But in my imagination – I see her as having been a true free spirit in a time where it was impossible for a woman to have any freedom of thought or movement. I am obsessed with free will, it is the basis of all my animal rights work and a hallmark of my beliefs. I believe in free will, very different than freedom. Free will implies choice as opposed to the absence of obstacles. I am pained by the cruelty of taking choice from any living being.
Pam is soft spoken but powerful at the same time. How do you find that balance?
I have often noticed that the most powerful one in the room can be the one who appears to care the least, and is often the most under-spoken. Power is not always loud or trying very hard. I guess power doesn’t have to.
Pam is taking on a bigger role this season, what has the journey been like playing her so far?
FUN! The more I find out about Pam and the more I get to see her do is a joy, it is just a bigger and broader journey for me. It’s always been a pleasure from day one and I have also discovered that more of a good thing is awesome.
What has it been like working so closely with Alexander Skarsgard? (Obviously, very…closely)
Yes, very closely, wink, wink, nudge nudge … Alex is a joy to work with. He is my friend and I am so lucky he is also Pam’s maker.
What are Pam’s motivations? (Loyalty to Eric? Power?)
Loyalty is huge for her, and for me in life as well — so I really appreciate that she has been written that way. Power is actually not as alluring to her as integrity. And that motivates me too, it’s fun to find those things where the character and I overlap but I guess that is inevitable as all Pam has is her creator, so pieces of all of us and our imaginations will be in her.
Do you have a favorite moment from filming the show?
Too many to name. But having fun with my cast mates is a real perk that makes this such a rare and special experience. We all know what it’s like to have annoying workmates and to have great ones. The latter is better and can make or break one’s experience.
Do you have a character you would like to have more scenes with?
I love it exactly as it is and I don’t want to be too greedy but this entire cast is so fantastic and talented, and so well cast, that I would be happy and lucky to work with any and all.
Have you had any interesting fan reaction to your character? (Perhaps in the gay community?)
I heard after last week’s episode that my friend’s living room of gay men stood up and cheered. I love that! I got a standing O! Always happy to hear I did well.
What has it been like working with Alan Ball? He’s quite a prolific producer/creator.
Alan seems to be very aware of the big picture and at the same time the details which is also rare and special. He has assembled an amazing thing here, all out of his vision one day after picking up a book. Many people are being employed and entertained by that vision. I think that is impressive and beautiful. Visions becoming reality is a thrill for me to see and be part of as I think it’s what makes the world go round. Without artistic vision, and the ability to transmute those visions into something others can see … life would be … well, unlivable. He is very impressive and also kind. AND likes dogs!
What do you think sets True Blood apart from other vampire shows out there? Why do you think there was such a positive response to the show?
Well … it’s just better. Hee Hee! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’ve seen Twilight and it was great and these are just very different audiences and tones. True Blood is Alan and HBO’s baby – that combination tells us that we will get to do and see more — get to push the envelope a bit more. Maybe touch on deeper topics, show more reality. Alan and HBO together are just sexier … in my humble completely unbiased opinion of course.
Can you give us a little teaser — I know you can’t spoil too much — of what’s coming up in season three for Pam?
Pam is tested this year. Her loyalty, her integrity, her strength … We find out about her and Eric’s relationship, and come to think of it, that is true for so many characters this year. It’s a character defining year for all of us.
You have been appearing more regularly on Secret Life Of The American Teenager. It is difficult to go from one character to another?
No, they are so different. I think its fun for most actors to get to play varied roles.

Thank you so much for taking the time. I really appreciate it, and best of luck with the upcoming season!
Thank you for allowing me to share more of my passions!

Photoshoot med Alexander Skarsgård

Intervju med Marshall Allman

In Marshall Allman’s own words, his character, shapeshifter Tommy Mickens, on “True Blood” is “bad ass.”
From his default bulldog shift to his dare that TV older brother, Sam Merlotte (played by Sam Trammell), throw a punch to officially show he’s family, Allman’s words couldn’t be more on point. But according to the actor, Tommy has a softer side, too.
“He really just wants love honestly,” Allman tells Zap2it. “He wants someone he can trust, someone he can depend on, to be like a healthy family. Does he have any idea how that works? Hell no. But does he know how to get what he wants? Probably not, but we shall see.”
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
So, when it comes to family, we hear he may have been getting the wrong brand of love. Will Sam be able to change things with some brotherly bonding?
“We are kind of like oil and water him and I,” says Allman. “But the beautiful thing is we are family. You can’t choose who your family is. It’s like take it or leave it. That’s kind of what we’re facing — whether him and I actually can work out our personality differences or personal issues in order to be a happy family.”
Brotherly love is one thing, but when we asked Allman if he’d confirm rumors that his character was going to move in on baby vamp, Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll), he went cryptic on us.
“I ain’t going to deny or acknowledge that rumor,” he says. “But I think every chick on the show should want my character. He’s freakin’ bad ass and he is freakin’ awesome.”

Intervju med Brit Morgan

TVGuide.com: How does it feel getting to join such a hot cast?
Morgan: It’s such a beautiful cast. It’s amazing. It feels like one of the best and most awesome things that’s ever happened to me. I was real nervous starting out. At the first table read, I could barely think straight. Everyone is just so easy going, despite how good-looking they are.
TVGuide.com: Tell us about your character, Debbie Pelt.
Morgan: Debbie Pelt is a really kick-ass, passionate, ballsy woman. I’m a werewolf with a bit of an addiction to V, so I’m going on a rampage against Sookie. I’m not too happy with her. My character just takes this winding road, a bit of a downward spiral. I’m definitely in attack mode towards Sookie.
TVGuide.com: Did you read the Sookie Stackhouse novels before being cast?
Morgan: Once I was cast, I read two of them. Just the ones I was involved in. I’m not sure if I’m too far off on this, but I think Debbie is much different [in the show] than in the books. In the books, you can tell she was a badass, and that she’s not a chick you want to mess with, but [the show writers] took it to a whole new level of crazy. They also amped up the trailer trash aspect. Nothing is too much. There are no limitations around me. I got to do whatever I wanted with her. There’s nothing better than playing crazy when everyone else is just encouraging it.
TVGuide.com: The stakes are so much higher this year because the werewolves and vampires don’t get along and are both powerful.
Morgan: They don’t get along well, but that’s great because up until this point it’s been vampires ruling the planet because they’re the most powerful thing. It’s cool to see another species that exists within the series that challenges that. There are two other sets of mystical creatures you’ll be introduced to toward the end of the season. There are fairies and there are going to be witches.
TVGuide.com: Who else does Debbie get to interact with this season?
Morgan: I got to interact with Eric [Alexander Skarsgård] a little bit, and I know a lot of people will be envious of me. I got to interact with Bill [Stephen Moyer] and Lorena [Mariana Kleveno]. It’s mostly with Sookie, but I do a lot of interaction with the lead of the vampire kingdom in Mississippi, Russell [Denis O'Hare], who is a captivating villain after Maryann [Michelle Forbes].
Morgan makes her True Blood debut Sunday at 9/8c on HBO.

Intervju med Joe Manganiello
PopWrap: You’ve previously admitted to being a fan of “True Blood” before joining the show, so I’m curious what it’s like being on set?
Joe Manganiello: Yes, that’s right – big fan. The first table read was like being sucked into the television. I’d imagine it like being a kid who loves Michael Jordan and getting drafted into the NBA where you have to guard him. Being at the first table read was like that – I am watching the show from the front row but I have to get in there and be a part of it. There was a lot of adjustment. Adjustment and awe.
PW: And what about the first day shooting?
Joe: I remember filming the scene and literally thinking, “oh my god, that’s Sookie Stackhouse!” Seeing Lafayette in full makeup was another amazing thing. There’s never a dull moment. I sit there and play my part, but I also have a front row seat to Ryan Kwanten and Chris Bauer doing their thing as I bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing in their takes. It’s really awesome.
PW: Your first episode teased a Sookie/Alcide connection — how does their relationship develop this season?
Joe: [laughs] It’s the million dollar question. Alcide’s in a dark, lonely, sad, heartbroken place because his fiance, Debbie Pelt, has left him. His psycho ex girlfriend – she’s still floating around, causing trouble. Then you’ve got Sookie going through her trials and tribulations with Bill. I think if you stick people in that situation – this big, strong, protective bodyguard with a girl, both heartbroken, sparks will happen. There’s a bit of lost puppy going on there.
PW: You mentioned Alcide’s ex, Debbie, earlier — can we expect fireworks when they get together?
Joe: Yes, they have a very volatile relationship. When they were together there was a lot of passion, but now that things have gone sideways, it’s very volatile and they get back into it very quickly.
PW: Sounds like Debbie and Sookie are polar opposites.
Joe: They are, and I think as you watch this season unfold, Alcide grows and changes and I think his relationship with Sookie helps that. There was a fork in the road — Debbie goes down one side and Alcide goes down the other. I think Sookie represents the woman Alcide wants to be with, that he wishes he could be with whereas Debbie represents where he came from.
PW: Do you have a particular favorite episode from season three?
Joe: I think episode 7 is pretty amazing. Uh, there’s a lot of blood and a lot of people die.
PW: Fair enough. You just wrapped production on season three, wis the finale as cliffhanger-y as last years?
Joe: Worse. Way worse. Waaaay worse. You have no idea what they’re going to spring on you in season three, it’s crazy. You’ve got the introduction of my race and a lot about where Sookie comes from. They answer a lot of questions and in answering those questions they open up a whole new universe. It’s pretty wild.

Scenes Self Magazine - Bakom kulisserna
Bill & Sooke vann TV Now Award!
Ny bild på True Blood gänget!

Comic-Con - True Blood!

The True Blood panel will include executive producerAlan Ball, along with a large amount of the cast, including Anna Paquin(“Sookie Stackhouse”),Stephen Moyer (“Bill Compton”), Nelsan Ellis(“Lafayette Reynolds”), Sam Trammell (“Sam Merlotte”),Rutina Wesley (“Tara Thornton”), Deborah Ann Woll (“Jessica Hamby”), Kristin Bauer (“Pam”),Denis O’Hare (“Russell Ediington”) and Joe Manganiello (“Alcide Hervaux”). Sorry, Alexander Skarsgard lovers, it looks like he won’t be there!
The panel will be held on Friday, July 23rd at 5:15pm-6:15pm in Ballroom 20.
Den 23 Juli smäller det!

Uppdatering fran USA!!
Och antligen kommer det fjarde avsnittet nu pa sondag!! Langtar verkligen :) Ska kolla om jag kan logga in efterat och kanske skriva lite ocksa :)
Hehe hade inte sa mycket att skriva, men Nilli ar jatte duktig med att uppdatera och sag att det var en fraga om bockerna. Tips: Kolla kategorin BOCKERNA till vanster. Dat star allt!!
Tror att klockan ar ganska mycket for er nu men har ar den ca 21.15 sa jag hinner inte gora ett riktigt inlagg bara en halsning ;) Och Nilli din nya ''namnskylt'' ar jatte snygg!!
Har e iallafall ''trailern'' till nasta avsnitt ''9 crimes'' :)
Halsningar fran usa!!! :D

Intervju med Denis O'Hare

iF: You’ve done a lot of theatre in New York …
O’HARE: Yeah. I went to school in Chicago and I did all my early theatre work in Chicago, kind of where I learned to act, and then I moved to New York in the early Nineties and that’s what I did. I’ve been a stage actor, I’ve done a lot of Broadway, I’ve done four Broadway musicals, a lot of Broadway straight plays. That’s kind of my thing, that’s what I did, was Broadway. And then I’ve always done TV here and there because of Law and Order in New York, but then this [True Blood, which films primarily in Los Angeles]came along last fall and I was thrilled, because I love it.
iF: Had you worked with Alan Ball before?
O’HARE: I hadn’t.
iF: Do you know if he was a fan of your stage work prior to casting you in True Blood?
O’HARE: I think he’d seen me in Take Me Out [O’Hare won a Featured Actor Tony for his work in the production in 2003] and all those years, it kind of percolated, and when this part came up, I think it was a good fit. A whole lot of us are from New York – Carrie Preston [Arlene] is from New York, Sam Trammell [Sam] is from New York, Rutina Wesley [Tara] is from Juilliard from New York, Kristin Bauer [Pam] is from New York – a lot of these actors, we all come from the same place. Michael Hall, who did Six Feet Under [with Ball], I knew him when we did Romeo and Juliet together in Baltimore years ago, when he first got out of Juilliard. So it all kind of comes full circle, which is really interesting.
iF: A lot of the actors in True Blood are called upon to disrobe at some point. Do you have that?
O’HARE: No. Not yet. [laughs] It hasn’t happened. I’ve gotten this far in my career without having to do that, it’d be nice to keep some things private, you know what I mean? If I’m called upon to, I will gladly, but Russell has dignity. I think he needs to keep his dignity.
iF: Well, most of the characters who disrobe have dignity …
O’HARE: Yeah. They’re 25 years old [laughs].
iF: Do you perform any stunts and/or chomp anybody?
O’HARE: They don’t want us doing anything that’s dangerous, so even though we want to, they’re going to ask us to pull back. I have chomped somebody, I’ve ridden a horse.
iF: When Russell bites another character, do you discuss with the other actor, “I’m going to be chomping you now”?
O’HARE: Yeah, any actor thing you do when you’re being physical with someone in any way, you always check in with them and go, “Okay, I’m going to go here in the neck, you let me know if that’s all right.” You want to check in with them and make sure they’re not hurt and then it’s always a little surprising when you actually do it, because your adrenaline kicks in and you start making funny noises. We were doing one bit where we were attacking a girl and she kept giggling [laughs]. We were nuzzling her neck and making weird noises and she kept giggling.
iF: Are there any aspects of True Blood that you found surprising?
O’HARE: I have to say, I am bowled over by how friendly everyone in the cast and crew is, how hard everybody works, how professional everybody is. Everybody comes here to work. They do a really, really, really good job. Everyone is prepared to go, ready to go, and yet they manage to have fun while doing it. And it’s a really amazing balance. There’s no attitude from anybody, there’s nobody who has any sort of diva position. Everyone is great. It’s pretty amazing.
iF: In the scene you’re filming today, the other actors are comparatively deadpan and Russell is decidedly, well, not-deadpan. What’s that like?
O’HARE: You know what? I’m just going to stand out a whole lot more. I have no problem with that. Everyone’s got their own style, everyone’s got also their own thing going on, and Alan, when he first told me about this character, said, “He’s very charming and he’s very Southern.” And in other scenes, I have been deadpan and I have been quiet, but in the scenes where you’re called upon to have some kind of passion, I love that. [Russell] knows what he wants, he knows what he wants to achieve. He doesn’t know how he’s going to get there. He always improvises. He is not a careful person. He’s a planner and he is somebody who plots, but he’s very, very passionate and he’s very, very spontaneous. So he does things [laughs] in the moment. He’s also hotheaded. This is a person who has a temper – a big temper.
iF: This season, they’ve had some real wolves, playing the werewolves in animal form, on set. Were you around for any of that?
O’HARE: I was. My very first episode shooting, I was on a horse and there were wolves on set and I got to meet a couple of the wolves. I got to hang out with them, and I got to meet the wolf trainer and the wolves are extraordinary, unbelievable animals. They are so otherworldly. And as the wolf trainer kept saying, “They’re not just big dogs. They’re very different animals. Do not think of them as dogs [laughs].”
iF: Do you have to stand very still when the wolves are working?
O’HARE: The wolves are almost always separated from us. You’re not interacting with them very much. We worked with them outside. They had a wire that kept them separate from us, a wire that was electrified. They are a different kind of animal and you don’t know what they’re going to do, and they’re incredibly capable of incredible things. Mostly they’re just very skittish, so the problem with them is not that they’re going to hurt us, it’s that they’re not going to be able to focus.
iF: Is there anything else you’d like to say about True Blood or your work on it?
O’HARE: I’m so thrilled to be here – I never expected or planned it, but now that I’m here, I don’t ever want to leave.
Alexander Skarsgård i ny svensk film!

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- Dead Until Dark - Död tills mörkret faller
- Living Dead in Dallas - Levande död i Dallas
- Club Dead - Klubb Död
- Dead to the World - Död i andras ögon
- Dead as a Doornail - Hur död som helst
- Definitely Dead -
- All Together Dead -
- From Dead to Worse -
- Dead in the family -
- Dead in the family -
Dead and Gone -

Stephen Moyer på The Tonight Show med Jay Leno

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Emmy - True Blood nomineringarna

- Outstanding Art Direction For A Single-Camera Series
- Outstanding Casting For A Drama Series
- Outstanding Prosthetic Makeup For A Series, Miniseries, Movie Or A Special
- Outstanding Sound Editing For A Series

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Intervju med Natasha Alam
“I think I keep the title until he remarries,” says Natasha Alam, a new co-star on the HBO hit television series “True Blood” and “Playboy” magazine cover girl.
Alam, in 1998, married the grandson of the former Shah of Iran, Amir Ebrahim Pahlavi Alam, in New York and they moved to London soon after. Those nuptials granted her the title of princess. They later lived in Los Angeles so Natasha could pursue her acting career. However, the couple finalized their divorce in 2005. Then, they went their separate ways: Amir returned to London, while Natasha went Hollywood.
Alam plays the role of “Yvetta,” a leggy, erotic dancer at the Fangtasia bar in the vampire show, “True Blood.”
“I kind of forget that fact,” Natasha, 27, says of being a princess. “But in situations like this (speaking to the media), I get refreshed about it.
“In London, being a princess was a big deal – because of the whole royal family and everything. You get reminded of that in London. I loved that feeling and experience.
“But I felt lonely and unfulfilled. I felt there was more to life.”
So the Russian beauty from Uzbekistan, with the striking light blue/gray eyes, decided to chase her lifelong dream of acting. Her towering height (5’10″) means if Natasha wears four-inch heels (just check “Maxim” magazine), she suddenly leaps to 6’2″. “I guess I should consider myself an Amazon babe,” she says.
So watch out Tom Cruise. And watch out for her new, Americanized accent in the process.
Now, the accent sounds more midwestern than Russian dialect from her native Tashkent, Uzbekistan, which is formerly part of the Soviet Union. “I work with my tapes and my voice coach (Bob Corff),” says Natasha, whose birth name is Natalia Shimanchuk.
It’s obviously working for her as an up-and-coming thespian navigating what can be an unforgiving Hollywood web.
Except, Natasha’s new role in life almost evaded her.
Natasha’s grandmother fed her beer during her days as a toddler in the home country. She feared her granddaughter was too skinny and needed to gain weight – unbeknownst to Natasha’s mother.
Because of Nazi Germany, her grandmother knew the feeling of hunger. “She survived the German invasion during World War II,” Natasha says. (An estimated 20 million Russians were killed by the German Wehrmacht or “war machine”).
But once Natasha’s mother found out about the “secret diet,” she put an end to the beer routine.
Later, when she turned 17, Natasha’s mother enrolled her in the University of Technology for Aviation.
Her major?
Aircraft mechanics.
Deborah Ann Woll i Esquire Magazine

The Joke:
Two nuns are driving down a road late at night when a vampire jumps onto the hood of their car. The one nun says to the other, “Quick! Show him your cross!” So the other nun leans out the window and shouts, “Get off our f–ing car!”
About the Jokester:
Deborah Ann Woll likes gruesome animal-attack videos. Much more than she thought she would, at least. The 25-year-old Brooklyn native watched them to get into character for her role as befanged teenager Jessica Hamby on the HBO vampire drama True Blood. Before the study of crocodiles severing deer limbs became a job requirement, Woll spent ten years in theater, which led to guest roles on shows like CSI, My Name Is Earl, and The Mentalist. True Blood provided her first recurring gig, not to mention the fresh perspective on gender roles that comes with a pair of fangs: “Having the girl be the vampire, with these external shows of power, just turns the story on its head. The [fangs] flicking out, to me, it’s kind of like a girl boner.” That just doesn’t happen on The Mentalist.
Truebies & Newbies: Tara and Franklin
Bitandet har blivit en trend!

CNN is reporting a new trend among high school students: biting is the new hickey. The claim is that since vampire-mania has hit the big-time, with everything from Twilight, Vampire Diaries, and True Blood fueling the feeding frenzy, biting is how teens are showing affection for each other, and bite marks have become a kind of status symbol, showing “ownership” and desirability.
I’ve not seen anyone sporting bite-marks, although I do live in a small town populated by fundamentalists (vampires aren’t high on their list of appropriate entertainment options), and when I’m out and about, I’m usually being harassed by small children (and therefor am oblivious to what teenagers are doing). So what do you think? New, dangerous trend for teens (human saliva can’t be that good for you), or silly gossip posing as news (and probably spread by the same people who thought rock-n-roll was going to turn everyone into sex fiends)?
Alexander Skarsgård i Situation Stockholm Magazine
Hur man dödar en vampyr m.m.
Nya stills från True Blood!

Intervju med Deborah Ann Woll
They're cool, they're sexy, and they're undead. Yes, we're talking about vampires. No, not those angsty teens from the Twilight saga, but those cool bloodsuckers from the HBO TV series, True Blood. The series has garnered millions of fans from all over the world since its debut three years ago, and will soon launch its third season here in Asia on July 19.
And while the series boasts a vibrant cast - Anna Paquin, Stephen Moyer, Alexander Skarsgard, Ryan Kwanten, Sam Trammell, Rutina Wesley and Nelsan Ellis - for Season 3, the attention also falls on Jessica, a teen-turned-vampire played by Deborah Ann Woll, who has to come to terms with being a vampire. (Jessica wasn't part of the original Charlaine Harris books upon which the series is based, but a specially created character for TV.)
"(Producer) Alan Ball has defined (this season's theme) as 'identity'," said Woll in a teleconference.
"And it's like, 'do I want to be true to my vampire nature, or do I want to rise above that and be compassionate as well?' Jessica (has to find out) where on that spectrum she wants to fall in."
Woll, initially started in theatre and didn't think too much of it when she auditioned for her role ("It was just a guest spot, I had no idea what I was getting myself into," she said previously). Her audition pieces - a traumatic tribunal scene followed by a lighter one with Moyer - wowed the producers that they turned Jessica into a regular character. And probably one of the sexiest and deadliest ones on television.
But of course we had to ask: What does Woll think of the summer hype surrounding the new Twilight movie?
"I saw the first one, I haven't seen the rest. And I think it works for them, that their characters are younger," she said.
"One thing that does interest me though is that in the Twilight movies, there's this sense of 'if you were a 17-year-old forever, how cool would that be? You'd be young, attractive and you could hit on all these 17-year-old girls forever'," said the 25-year-old actress.
"But for me, I think being 17 forever is the worst thing in the world! I mean, eternal virgin, I cry all the time, everything is up and down - it's taken the romanticism out of that idea. So, to have a teenage vampire in a story for adults, that takes a whole new perspective on that idea."
Did you watch any vampire movies to prepare for your role?
I did watch those movies but I didn't use that to prepare. But I think True Blood has its own mythos - its world is very specific to itself. It's very different from Anne Rice's or Stephanie Meyer's world. And I wanted to be very sure that I stayed true to the type of vampire this show has created. I like the human nature versus animal nature (of being) a vampire. So, I studied animals a lot, actually.
What's the biggest challenge on the show?
Playing a teenager. Every single scene is blood, tears, fangs, crying ... there's never a sit-down-and-read-a-book scene with Jessica. That's hard. It's a lot of high energy work.
What's your most memorable experience on set?
We had real wolves on the set this season, and they're gorgeous. I've never seen anything so wild and beautiful in my life. Although I don't have a lot of interaction with them, the little bit that I got to do has impacted me. They're really good actors - puts the rest of us to shame!
Do you actually drink that synthetic blood?
Yes! I think it tastes pretty good. We have a couple of different types. The bottled one that anyone can buy is like a blood-orange soda and tastes like grapefruit soda, non-carbonated. What we drink on the show is much thicker. We have mouth blood, which we use when we're biting someone, which has a minty chocolate flavour to it. But the stuff out of the bottles is purple carrot juice. We even have a sugarless version for some people who don't want to damage their teeth.
What's it like working with Anna?
Anna's lovely! I think she's extremely cute and sexy. And she works hard for it, too. So, she deserves all the credit. She's very funny and makes a lot of jokes. Watching her work, I sometimes get a little lost. She's so good that sometimes you forget that you're working with her and you're not an audience member. She can take you out of it like that. She's beautiful in that way. I feel very lucky to work with them. A lot them have a lot of experience, like Anna and Stephen, and it's nice to learn from them. Stephen has a brilliant eye for the camera - he knows what to do onscreen. So, I enjoy picking up tips from him.
So which of the guys - Stephen, Alex, Ryan Kwanten - is the sexiest?
Oh, Jim Parrack, who plays Jessica's boyfriend Hoyt, he's definitely the sexiest! (laughs) I think they're all extremely attractive men, but they're also very nice men. They're more concerned about doing really good work and being warm and welcoming to all the cast before they're concerned about how pretty they look. But, you know, it certainly makes it easy to go to work, I'll tell you that!
Is Alex as hot as his character?
I haven't got to work much with him, but he's so different from Eric. Eric has got this eternal cool and queerness about him, but Alex is a big sweetheart. He's very flirtatious and makes all the girls feel we're ... extra special.
So ... a younger guy like Ryan or someone more mature like Stephen?
Stephen Moyer plays my dad. So, I don't know if I can look at him that way. I think he's an attractive man and one of my good friends from the show, but he's my dad. Can I pick the middle? My boyfriend is in his 30s! That's a pretty good age. I think I'd like a guy with a bit of maturity. I don't want to help a boy grow up. It'd be nice if he'd already done that.
Are there any Spinal Tap moments?
There's no ego or anything, so we don't really run into those problems! But I must say we get asked to do some pretty ridiculous things, like getting covered in blood and rolling around in the dirt. I mean, I've been buried alive - I don't know how many other people can say that! In terms of goofy, off-the-wall moments, we've had plenty of that.
How's life different after True Blood?
Certainly, more roles have been offered to me. Before True Blood, I had to prove myself every time I auditioned, but I think now, people have seen me and how I work, and I'm very pleased with the opportunities that have come because of True Blood. I love the role. I really, really love it. And to be as green as I am; to work on something where I haven't had to compromise in any way is rare. I think I've been very lucky.
Would you like to do more movies?
I would love to make films and do theatre too. The first film I worked on (was) Little Murder, last summer, with Terence Howard and Josh Lucas. It's a detective story set in New Orleans after Katrina. But we shoot True Blood like we shoot a feature film. So, it's not that different. I'd love to branch off and do more.
What kind of role would you like to play?
One of my favourite roles that I've always wanted to play was Cleopatra, from Anthony And Cleopatra by Shakespeare. I like the idea to be a crazy, powerful woman. It's such an interesting perspective and I don't think we see a lot of women portrayed like that. I'd love to play royalty, but "powerful aggressive queen" would be really fun.
Who would you like to work with?
Alfre Woodward is one of my favourite actresses and she's in season three. Unfortunately, I never got to work with her. I didn't even get to meet her, really. But I would really love to work with her. Everything she's done has blown me away.
For a long time I've wanted to work with Terry Gilliam. I like those films that teeter along that edge of fantasy and reality and Gilliam is really brilliant about treading that line. Brazil is one of my favourite movies of all time. He's definitely someone I would love to work with. And yes, I'm definitely a Monty Python fan. They're very creative, and with the drawings and artwork included in the show, it was such a multi-media experience. My favourite sketch? I like the funny walks a lot. They're so silly, you just sit there and giggle and lose complete control of your senses. There's something lovely about that!
What do you think makes True Blood so successful?
The storylines. Charlaine Harris laid a good foundation ... but our writers make sure the show is fun and sexy but also has a huge heart and has something important to say. They really put in a huge effort to make sure these are important stories. I think the show has a lot to offer, but you have to remember not to take it too seriously. It's just a lot of fun and I hope you really enjoy it.

Ryan Kwanten hälsar på hos The Ronald McDonald House

Visste du att...
Actor Stephens Moyer wasn’t shocked when his wife Anna Paquin spoke about her bisexuality, as he says she was honest from the very beginning of their romance.
‘I’ve never been in a relationship before in which literally within the first three days all the cards were laid out. It wasn’t something that was kept from me,’ femalefirst.co.uk quoted Moyer as saying.
‘I condone what she has done 100 percent, and it’s her business to talk about it, not mine. It doesn’t change anything. I’m proud of who she is.’
‘She doesn’t pull punches. I’ll take 74,000 words to express an emotion because I fear hurting someone’s feelings. Anna will do it in three words. But we trust each other so implicitly that there’s never anything hurtful. With Anna it’s just about pure trust, on camera and off. I have never trusted anybody like I trust Anna,’ he added.
Stephen älskar henne verkligen, så sött! :)

Intervju med Alexander Skarsgård

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Intervju med Joe Manganiello

Last week, we spoke with Marshall Allmanabout his shape-shifting character Tommy Mickens on "True Blood." By now, we've seen Tommy transform into a rough-looking dog and a devious bird, possibly even a fly — but that's not even scratching the surface, based on Marshall's passionate claims thatshapeshifters are better than werewolves and vampires, two of the other prominent supernaturals featured on "True Blood."
Of course, not everyone is going to share Marshall's opinion. In an exclusive interview with Hollywood Crush, Joe Manganiello (Alcide) spoke about the theoretical match-up between a vampire, werewolf and shapeshifter, barely acknowledging the shapeshifter's role in the fight. Instead, Joe said that the main showdown would be between the wolves and the vamps.
Check out his full thoughts on the match-up after the jump!
"As far as brute strength goes, the vampires are kind of agreed upon as being super strong, especially the ones that are thousands of years old," Joe admitted to us. "You get into this super, ancient strength. But from there, there are werewolves that can take out vampires."
Joe said that his very own character of Alcide Hevreaux, introduced in the most recent episode of "True Blood," is one such werewolf that could hold his own against the vampires.
"That was important for me in creating Alcide," said Joe. "A vampire can get away with being pale, thin and skinny but still being powerful. Werewolves have to look like animals — really big, strong animals. I wanted Alcide to be as powerfully built as possible so you would see him and think that he could take out a vampire. I think throwing him into an arena, you would have a pretty good fight between the vampires and the werewolves."
But what about the shapeshifters? Joe said that it all depends on the specific shifter, but typically they would fall somewhere behind the vampires and the werewolves — something that Marshall would undoubtedly disagree with.
"Depending on the shapeshifter, they'll come in some place afterward," he said. "But werewolves are generally thought of as being the strongest of the shapeshifters. Probably the most egotistical, too!"

Hemligheter bakom kulliserna

Entertainment Weekly spoke with True Bloodproduction designer Suzuki Ingerslev about some of the new sets we’ve been treated to in the first three episodes of Season 3. She also answered fans’ questions about some of the older sets.
For the King of Mississippi’s Mansion, Ingerslev and her crew took a trip to Natchez, Mississippi. Longwood, a National Historic Landmark and the largest remaining octagonal home in the U.S., which she was told had never been filmed before for TV or features. “The interior was never completed. After the Civil War, they walked away from it,” she says. “But we just needed it for the exterior, because there’s nothing like it in the whole world. So we convinced our producers, begged and begged, and they let us go down there and shoot it.” As for the interiors, they were created from scratch after studying the furniture, chandeliers, and wallpapers in plantation homes. “The wallpaper in the King’s dining room is completely Mississippi wallpaper,” she says. “It’s got the river, it’s got Spanish moss and alligators. It’s really amazing that we found that in a wallpaper book.”
When it came time to acquire Bill’s much-storied bed, Ingerslev admits she felt some pressure to find one that would live up to those expectations. ”That kind of a bed is probably $20-, $30-, $40-, $50,000. Our producers wouldn’t have liked that,” she says. They settled on a rental from Warner Bros., which was probably used in a lot of old studio films. Another decision that required some thought: How to decorate the table. “At first, we were like, ‘Let’s get all this great silver,’ and then we realized we couldn’t use silverware in there because vampires can’t touch silver. So we ended up going with a gold flatware. We used a lot of glass displays and crystal. Waterford was kind enough to loan us some pieces because apparently, they’re fans of the show.”

Lou Pine’s: The wolf-related signage in the bar — e.g. Howl and Red Wolf beer — is an obvious homage to what lies beneath in its werewolf patrons, but for a more subtle clue, check out the table lights. When they couldn’t find any they liked, the prop master got an idea: “They look like normal lights, but they’re actually silver doggie bowls and cheap plastic domes,” Ingerslev says.
Lafayette’s home: “Basically, we started with a leopard carpet and some foiled wallpapers that we found in an in-stock book here in the office. It’s not often that you get to combine those two anymore,” she says. “Also, there was a book called Bachelor Pads that we used as a resource.” They wanted to incorporate religion into Lafayette’s life. “He’s not just a one deity man, he goes to different deities, so we represented all of them,” he says. His home is a location right now, but eventually, if they get to build that set, we may finally get to see his bedroom in all its glory. ”You only see little glimpses of it. We have a feather boa in there, and some kind of crazy art, more foiled wallpaper. We would love to go to town on that. His littleboudoir. That would be a fun one.”
Fangtasia: Definitely another fun one. “We found that poster, I think it was from The Colbert Report, with Bush biting into the Statue of Liberty, so we put that in there,” she says. “We found a guy somewhere in the Midwest who usually paints serial killers, and we convinced him to paint some of these velvet paintings of our crew members for us and send them over.” In addition to a lot of anti-religious artifacts — “We have a Last Supper that lights up,” she notes, with a laugh — they figured Eric would make it look like Disneyland. “He’s stereotyping what vampires are just to draw people in and make money, and so we did a souvenir stand, too,” she says. “We created these little postcards, and apparently, every time we have extras in there, half of them disappear because everyone takes them as souvenirs.”
Eric’s office they keep pretty plain because he keeps his personal life hidden from everybody. “We tried to make it look functional. Like bar owners will lock up their alcohol in there. There’s Tru Blood boxes. We had Hot Sauce on his desk in the first season, and that was a joke from my decorator since vampires don’t eat.” What did he use it for? “I don’t even want to know with him,” she says. We’re guessing maybe for what he used the basement for earlier this season. “Yeah, we worked with the props on that one,” she says of Eric’s memorable sex scene with Yvetta, “and we’re all trying to figure out: Is it ropes, is it metal, a chain, what is it that they’re using [as constraints]? It’s so funny having these discussions trying to figure out how to torture people, or hang them, or have sex with them. That was a crazy set to build anyway. We started with brand new metal, brand new concrete, and then we aged it all down. And then we do a wet-down [before shooting] so that it seems even more dank and disgusting. When you’re in that set, you feel like you need to shower afterwards.”
Eric and Pam do have homes away from Fangtasia, but we won’t be seeing them this season, Ingerslev says. “Eric’s would be a tough one,” she imagines. Really, we just want to see Pam’s closet. “I know, right?” she concurs. “That’s probably the entire space. And she has a little casket she sleeps in.”

Carrie Preston i Regard Magazine

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Intervju med Alexander Skarsgård

Alexander Skarsgård is the hottest Swede in Hollywood. Currently he’s in the news because of his first Swedish movie in three years, Johan Kling’s Puss which premieres in August. Situation Stockholm’s Cyril Hellman got the only interview.
Alexander Skarsgård tells us that he’s been working on Puss for a long time. A year and a half ago the director Johan Kling had a break down caused by stress and the work was discontinued for an undecided time.
- It became tricky because I don’t live in Sweden. I had to go back to LA and continue working on True Blood. It became an enormous jig saw puzzle to make it work. But I think I can talk for all the actors when I say that we all were eager to finish Puss and not to leave an unfinished film.
- When we were due to continue working I had just finished season two of True Blood but then I was in the middle of filming the movie Straw Dogs in Shreveport in the deepest of Louisiana. It was frantic, I had an intense schedule and on top of it I had to cut my hair off for the part. I flew from Shreveport via Atlanta, New York to Stockholm to Visby where Puss’s producer met me and we went straight to the studio in Fårösund, where a nervous makeup artist was waiting with a wig I never had tried on before. Luckily enough it fit, and then I had a big cup of coffee and then I was standing in front of the camera smiling. We filmed intensively for three days, and then I flew back to Shreveport. I was of course exhausted during the filming, but the joy of finishing Puss with a very inspired Johan and a wonderful team saved me.
Alexander left Sweden at the age of 30 because he was still mostly getting parts as the high school hunk. Today, after the successes in the USA with the TV series Generation Kill and True Blood different parts are offered to him back home. Will you consider working in Sweden in the future?
- Yea. It was also about the Swedish movie climate in the beginning of the 2000 being boring. Nothing much interesting was done, it was uniform mass productions and I kept getting offered the same type of roles. Now things are different. Ten years ago we were the worst in Scandinavia but today we are proud to be Swedes when we travel the world and meet people in the business. People are impressed with what is happening in Sweden. We have many new, interesting film makers who have something personal to tell. Johan Kling isn’t directly a teenager but he belongs to the new Swedish wave of film makers who have a very unique style and feeling, real auteurs. I was a big fan of Darling, an unbelievably sweet film. For me there was no other choice but to work with Johan. And if you haven’t read Johan’s book Människor helt utan betydelse (Translators translation: Totally insignificant people), get it asap!
Puss is a situation comedy and it takes place in a small theater. Alexander’s brother Gustaf is also in the cast and plays a character totally different from Alex’s, an introvert indie guy. They have no scenes together.
- Gurra and I have no major scenes together, but there are a few scenes were the whole cast is together so we got to hang out a little.”

Photoshoot med Stephen Moyer
Alexander Skarsgård i EW

Sam Trammell hos Chelsea
Allan Hyde - " Det är svårt att prata svenska med fangs "

Did you already know either the show of True Blood or the books by Charlaine Harris, at the time you were casted for the role as Godric?
ALLAN: When I got cast I did not know anything at all. I did do my research as soon as things were looking as if stuff might happen and was astounded of how huge the project and phenomenon was and still is.
Most of the cast members know each other since the beginning of the show. So how has your first day on set been with all the people, who are already such a well-rehearsed team?
ALLAN: Everyone is great. Really nice people and amazing actors. They made it very easy for me. Though it was nerveracking, borderline terrifying to play everything that calm and so small with the appropriate confidence when everyone around you is someone you admire and want to impress. It took a lot of me to stay true to my ideas and not over-compensate.
Allan or Godric … is there anything which you share with the character?
ALLAN: I have gone through the same stuff Godricv has gone through in my own life but on a much smaller scale. I have experienced having an epiphany if you may about stuff I had been doing that was not nice at all. This I applied in the character and intensified out of proportions.
With a heavy heart we had to accept the suicide of Godric and now can only admire him within the shown flashbacks. Can you understand that Godric has chosen the suicide and what is your general opinion to that subject?
ALLAN: I understand him. He has lived his share of life and a second life. He is over it. He wants to set an example and does everything for a good reason I feel. It is hard to validate suicide though because of other people involved. It’s a selfish thing to do and Godric hurts people who knows what’s to be of Eric now without an ideal?
We have heard from other cast members, that it is very difficult to speak with fangs. How was your experience with that?
ALLAN: Oh yes, it was difficult. Especially because I had to speak Swedish with them in for the first time which is a language I don’t really speak. But you get used to it.
Godric as well as Eric Northman became the most beloved characters to the True Blood fans. How does that Fandom influence your private daily life? Do you occasionally visit fan sites and forums to read what people think and write about you and your character played?
ALLAN: I don’t really feel it too much, which is nice. I can still walk around unnoticed. Occasionally someone will introduce themselves and we will talk for a second but mostly it is nothing but an occasional double-take. I don’t have to visit sites or at least seek for them. I’m pretty sure my mom has a Google alert or something becuase she always knows what’s being said and will send me links every once in a while. I think it’s best not to look at it too much. You don’t want to get a big head or have people ruin your confidence. But it’s nice when people say nice things.
And now the question of all questions: Could you pleeeease give us a small preview on your role as Godric in Season 3?
ALLAN: Unfortunately I can’t say much. You already saw the Nazi -stuff and I hope you liked that. It was fun to shoot – super action packed. Jumping down from the rafters and all.
So besides True Blood, what are your acting plans in the near future?
ALLAN: Just arrived in Denmark to shoot a danish tv-show called Lærkevej and then I think I will be shooting a feature in Ireland this summer. I will Twitter about it when it is for sure.
Is there anything else your fans should know about you or any message which you would like to pass to them?
ALLAN: Thanks so much for being so supportive of me and Godric! It means a lot and got me a little more work this season. Keep calling for him and he might have a little more next season – who knows? I don’t…

True Blood i Fangoria Magazine
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Mitt sista inlägg... Åker bort nu och kommer inte hem förrän om en månad... Men Nilli kommer hålla er uppdaterade :)

TV.com NU Awards 2010 - Rösta!