Intervju med Kristin Bauer

I think Pam has some of the best scenes in the show, especially when she tried to stop Sookie in the season premiere.
Right?! I am so lucky to have such great words to say.
How do you relate to your character? She’s not human, but there are human elements to Pam.
Definitely, she was human 100 years ago. She was also very eager to leave that world once she saw the option of Eric’s power and immortality and she’s never looked back. That’s one of the things that makes Pam so much fun to play. She is un-remorseful, unapologetic, which are two traits some of us could probably use a touch of. She is, in some ways, who I wish I could be but alas, that directness might leave me very lonely.
What do you think Pam was like in her human life?
I have no idea, and hope to find out! But in my imagination – I see her as having been a true free spirit in a time where it was impossible for a woman to have any freedom of thought or movement. I am obsessed with free will, it is the basis of all my animal rights work and a hallmark of my beliefs. I believe in free will, very different than freedom. Free will implies choice as opposed to the absence of obstacles. I am pained by the cruelty of taking choice from any living being.
Pam is soft spoken but powerful at the same time. How do you find that balance?
I have often noticed that the most powerful one in the room can be the one who appears to care the least, and is often the most under-spoken. Power is not always loud or trying very hard. I guess power doesn’t have to.
Pam is taking on a bigger role this season, what has the journey been like playing her so far?
FUN! The more I find out about Pam and the more I get to see her do is a joy, it is just a bigger and broader journey for me. It’s always been a pleasure from day one and I have also discovered that more of a good thing is awesome.
What has it been like working so closely with Alexander Skarsgard? (Obviously, very…closely)
Yes, very closely, wink, wink, nudge nudge … Alex is a joy to work with. He is my friend and I am so lucky he is also Pam’s maker.
What are Pam’s motivations? (Loyalty to Eric? Power?)
Loyalty is huge for her, and for me in life as well — so I really appreciate that she has been written that way. Power is actually not as alluring to her as integrity. And that motivates me too, it’s fun to find those things where the character and I overlap but I guess that is inevitable as all Pam has is her creator, so pieces of all of us and our imaginations will be in her.
Do you have a favorite moment from filming the show?
Too many to name. But having fun with my cast mates is a real perk that makes this such a rare and special experience. We all know what it’s like to have annoying workmates and to have great ones. The latter is better and can make or break one’s experience.
Do you have a character you would like to have more scenes with?
I love it exactly as it is and I don’t want to be too greedy but this entire cast is so fantastic and talented, and so well cast, that I would be happy and lucky to work with any and all.
Have you had any interesting fan reaction to your character? (Perhaps in the gay community?)
I heard after last week’s episode that my friend’s living room of gay men stood up and cheered. I love that! I got a standing O! Always happy to hear I did well.
What has it been like working with Alan Ball? He’s quite a prolific producer/creator.
Alan seems to be very aware of the big picture and at the same time the details which is also rare and special. He has assembled an amazing thing here, all out of his vision one day after picking up a book. Many people are being employed and entertained by that vision. I think that is impressive and beautiful. Visions becoming reality is a thrill for me to see and be part of as I think it’s what makes the world go round. Without artistic vision, and the ability to transmute those visions into something others can see … life would be … well, unlivable. He is very impressive and also kind. AND likes dogs!
What do you think sets True Blood apart from other vampire shows out there? Why do you think there was such a positive response to the show?
Well … it’s just better. Hee Hee! Sorry, I couldn’t resist. I’ve seen Twilight and it was great and these are just very different audiences and tones. True Blood is Alan and HBO’s baby – that combination tells us that we will get to do and see more — get to push the envelope a bit more. Maybe touch on deeper topics, show more reality. Alan and HBO together are just sexier … in my humble completely unbiased opinion of course.
Can you give us a little teaser — I know you can’t spoil too much — of what’s coming up in season three for Pam?
Pam is tested this year. Her loyalty, her integrity, her strength … We find out about her and Eric’s relationship, and come to think of it, that is true for so many characters this year. It’s a character defining year for all of us.
You have been appearing more regularly on Secret Life Of The American Teenager. It is difficult to go from one character to another?
No, they are so different. I think its fun for most actors to get to play varied roles.

Thank you so much for taking the time. I really appreciate it, and best of luck with the upcoming season!
Thank you for allowing me to share more of my passions!