Allan Hyde - " Det är svårt att prata svenska med fangs "

Did you already know either the show of True Blood or the books by Charlaine Harris, at the time you were casted for the role as Godric?
ALLAN: When I got cast I did not know anything at all. I did do my research as soon as things were looking as if stuff might happen and was astounded of how huge the project and phenomenon was and still is.
Most of the cast members know each other since the beginning of the show. So how has your first day on set been with all the people, who are already such a well-rehearsed team?
ALLAN: Everyone is great. Really nice people and amazing actors. They made it very easy for me. Though it was nerveracking, borderline terrifying to play everything that calm and so small with the appropriate confidence when everyone around you is someone you admire and want to impress. It took a lot of me to stay true to my ideas and not over-compensate.
Allan or Godric … is there anything which you share with the character?
ALLAN: I have gone through the same stuff Godricv has gone through in my own life but on a much smaller scale. I have experienced having an epiphany if you may about stuff I had been doing that was not nice at all. This I applied in the character and intensified out of proportions.
With a heavy heart we had to accept the suicide of Godric and now can only admire him within the shown flashbacks. Can you understand that Godric has chosen the suicide and what is your general opinion to that subject?
ALLAN: I understand him. He has lived his share of life and a second life. He is over it. He wants to set an example and does everything for a good reason I feel. It is hard to validate suicide though because of other people involved. It’s a selfish thing to do and Godric hurts people who knows what’s to be of Eric now without an ideal?
We have heard from other cast members, that it is very difficult to speak with fangs. How was your experience with that?
ALLAN: Oh yes, it was difficult. Especially because I had to speak Swedish with them in for the first time which is a language I don’t really speak. But you get used to it.
Godric as well as Eric Northman became the most beloved characters to the True Blood fans. How does that Fandom influence your private daily life? Do you occasionally visit fan sites and forums to read what people think and write about you and your character played?
ALLAN: I don’t really feel it too much, which is nice. I can still walk around unnoticed. Occasionally someone will introduce themselves and we will talk for a second but mostly it is nothing but an occasional double-take. I don’t have to visit sites or at least seek for them. I’m pretty sure my mom has a Google alert or something becuase she always knows what’s being said and will send me links every once in a while. I think it’s best not to look at it too much. You don’t want to get a big head or have people ruin your confidence. But it’s nice when people say nice things.
And now the question of all questions: Could you pleeeease give us a small preview on your role as Godric in Season 3?
ALLAN: Unfortunately I can’t say much. You already saw the Nazi -stuff and I hope you liked that. It was fun to shoot – super action packed. Jumping down from the rafters and all.
So besides True Blood, what are your acting plans in the near future?
ALLAN: Just arrived in Denmark to shoot a danish tv-show called Lærkevej and then I think I will be shooting a feature in Ireland this summer. I will Twitter about it when it is for sure.
Is there anything else your fans should know about you or any message which you would like to pass to them?
ALLAN: Thanks so much for being so supportive of me and Godric! It means a lot and got me a little more work this season. Keep calling for him and he might have a little more next season – who knows? I don’t…