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Q&A med Stephen Moyer om första avsnittet
Bästa replikerna från Säsong 6 avsnitt 1
Guvenör Burrell – I swore an oath to serve and protect the people of this state, people, not vampires.
Guvenör Burrell – When human tax paying citizens can no longer walk on their streets at night without fearing for our lives, then we have to take our streets back. As of this moment, I am instituting a state wide curfew. All vampires are to remain indoors or underground after sundown. I’m enforcing executive order #846, we are closing down all vampire run businesses.
Guvenör Burrell – I’m asking you, if any of you have a financial and “legal,” I mean legal means to do it, buy a gun. Buy as many as you can. Stock up on wooden bullets. This is still America and you have the right to defend yourselves and the people you love.
As Andrew Jackson once said, peace above all things must be desired, blood must sometimes must be shed to obtain it on equitable and lasting terms.
Eric till Pam: Get over it and have my back or get out of my face.
Pam till Eric: Who the fuck is Mary Poppins and can I please kill her?
Pam till Eric: In over a hundred years, you never thought to mention, hey by the way, I have this super irritating sister, wait ‘til you meet her, you’re really gonna hate her guts? Other than the fact that I’ve shared my entire life with you an all you do is lie to me
Eric till Pam: Get over it and have my back, or get out of my face.
Pam till Tara: I hate the beach, fish piss and sand in your couch.
Tara till Pam: You know Love doesn’t have to be a competition between you and everybody else.
Sookie till Eric: Bill was my first everything, lovin’ him is just in my blood now.
Jason till Nora: I am sick as fuck of you bloodsuckers brain raping me against my will.
Jason till alla: You think I’m afraid of dying? I’ve been dead inside ever since I found out that vampyr killed my parents.
Pam till Jessica och Eric: Honey it’s been good knowing you, Good luck. I assume this is none of our business?
Alcide’s pappa till Alcide: The only way to be pack master is to inherit the flesh.
Martha till Rikki: The vampire blood blood he drank will wear off; power is a more dangerous drug it’s a way to men’s decency.
Arlene till Andy: Andy Bellefleur, if you think you can sit out here all la de dah, while Terry and I raise your litter of alien babies, you’ve got another think coming.
Arlene till Andy: Well, I’ve got news for you Andy, Life ain’t fair and there ain’t no Santa Clause neither, and when you stick Mr. Happy inside somebody’s who ha without a raincoat on, babies come out.
Andy till Arlene: Hog tits, Arlene. I haven’t had a chance to read a book or take a God damn poop class; if that even exists; I don’t know how to take care of my own babies; that’s the sad truth.
Lafayette till Sam: Is this about your girlfriend turning into Steve Newlin on TV because that was the sickest shit I’ve ever seen and I watch “dance Moms”.
Lafayette till Emma: Do you want something deep fried and dipped in sugar and fried all over again?
Lafayette till Sam: Wrong place at the wrong time ought to be my middle fuckin’ name.
Bill till gruppen på verandan: I am Bill Compton, though clearly, I am something more. I see that now. I see everything so differently now. The fear in your eyes, I know I put that there but I promise you, the man who did that to you is gone.
Sookie till gruppen: That’s right, Bill Compton is gone, he died, I felt it.
Governor Burrell till flaskföretaget: Louisiana needs revenue, I need revenue, I need revenue if I want to be elected, that’s what’s in it for me.
Rikki till Alcide: I’m your #1 bitch. Don’t ever forget it.
Tara till Pam: I know what it’s like to be betrayed by the people you trust the most, but sometimes it takes losing some shit to find something new.
Pam till Tara: You have no idea what it’s like to be someone’s partner for 100 years.
Pam till Tara: Oh, honey, this isn’t going to be some epic fucking love story. You can’t replace him and you never will.
Pam till vakter: What are you guys, wait let me guess, “male strippers?”
Sookie till Eric: I’ve had Bill’s blood, if he wants, he’ll find me.
Sookie till Eric: Bill’s not the only one who’s changed.My life, it’s so different from how I thought it would turn out I’m not who I thought I’d turn out to be.
Eric till Sookie: Well, to me you’ll always be that girl in the white dress.
Sookie till Eric: I want to be that girl again, the one in the white dress. I want my life back which is why I’m rescinding your invitation to my house.
Nora till Eric: I don’t know about Bill’s weakness, I think I may have just found yours.
Eric till Nora: Nora, my darling sister, don’t stir this pot.
Bill till Jessica: I don’t know what I am. I don’t know why I am which is why I need you more than ever.
Bill till Jessica: I need you to keep me honest, to tell it to me as it is cause surviving a staking is some heady fucking shit. You’re the only one I can trust.
Jason till ? [Rutger Hauer]: My sister’s ex boyfriend might have just turned into some evil vampire monster thing.
Jason till? [Rutger Hauer]: I feel like that little gay boy in that movie that said “I see dead people,” but it’s not like that movie anyway.
Andy till barn: Hello, I'm Sheriff Andy Bellefleur

Jessicas blogg
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Still Bill(d) från avsnitt 1

Confession bild SÄSONG 6

Stephen om säsong 6
The Sun promo
Inside the episode
Randoms Thoughts, Who are you, really SPOILERS
RIP Luna
I was sad to see Luna die. I thought that she and Sam made a great couple. The first time Luna shifted into another person it almost killed her but a mother will do anything for her child. Her decision proved to be fatal. Poor Emma, first she gets kidnapped by Steve Newlin to be his pet and then she witnessed her mother’s death. She seemed to be in shock as she clung to Sam. My heart went out to her. Sam’s world was turned upside down in an instant. He not only lost the woman he loved but he now has to keep her daughter safe.
This means war
The governor has backed the vampires of Louisiana into a corner. He has set a curfew that essentially holds all vampires hostage indoors. Governor Burrell also ordered all businesses run by vampires be shut down. He all but declares war on the Vampires. The Governor then meets with the True Blood company executive in secret. He proposes joining them in a silent partnership. His claim is that he’ll give the company a bottling plant, which is owned by the state, free of charge for the sole purpose of creating non human food for vampires. I don’t believe him for a second.
Stranger Danger
Was Jason absent from school that day? Hitchhiking is always a bad idea. What was he thinking? You would think after everything Jason’s been through he’d be a little more cautious. Something happened to Jason after being blasted with a fairy ray. He hasn’t been the same ever since. Maybe that’s why he felt it was okay to spill his guts to the stranger. I knew the old man that picked him up was trouble. I just didn’t expect to be introduced to Warlow, Lilith’s progeny in the first episode. When he reveled himself to Jason I almost jumped out of my seat.
Back to normal
Sookie seems to have had a revelation after staking Bill to save Eric. I was a little surprised that she would sacrifice Bill. When Sookie said she felt him die she meant it. It seems like she doesn’t consider the man she stabbed to be Bill. Once Eric has escorted Sookie home they have an intimate moment reminiscing about the day they met. He recalls her innocent days when she was just a waitress. Eric signs over the house giving it back to Sookie, his love for her still evident. Sookie’s had her fill of Vampires and drama. She tells Eric of her desire to have her life back and resends his invitation to her home.
Bill’s back?
I was a little surprised when we see Bill back at his house. I expected him to spend the season naked and covered in blood. At his home Bill seems to be calmer and more reasonable than he was at the Authority. Dare I say he appeared to be back to his old self? Although he made it clear that if he was attached again he would fight back, Bill didn’t try to harm Sookie when she staked him. Jessica decides to stay with him but I think she isn’t buying into his daddy dearest act. She’s clearly nervous around Bill and seems leery of his confused act. I have a feeling we’re about to see a whole new side of him now that he has been inhabited by the 3 naked blood soaked women.
Oh my god

Säsong 6 avsnitt 1 Who are you , really

Writer: Raelle Tucker
Director: Stephen Moyer
Location: L.A.
Start Date: Approx. 1/7/13
Air date: June 16, 2013
“In the wake of Bill’s (Stephen Moyer) blood-soaked reincarnation, Sookie (Anna Paquin), Eric (Alexander Skarsgård), Jason (Ryan Kwanten), Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll), Tara (Rutina Wesley), Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) and Nora (Lucy Griffiths) flee the Authority compound as Sam (Sam Trammell), Luna (Janina Gavankar) and Emma (Chloe Noelle) dodge swarming guards. Now packmaster, Alcide (Joe Manganiello) discovers that the job comes with unsavory side dishes, but other major perks. In Bon Temps, Andy (Chris Bauer) deals with parenting four newborn human-faerie hybrids. Meanwhile, Louisiana Governor Truman Burrell (Arliss Howard) vows open season on vampires. Jessica returns to Compton Place as Jason hitches a ride with an eerie stranger.”
Bonus scenen
Heta frågor blir besvarade
Säsong 5 recap
Någon som kollat än??
Finns det någon som har sett det första avsnittet än?? Jag har försökt att inte läsa någonstans om vad som hänt men har inte kunnat hålla mig helt ifrån... Allt jag läst är att premiären var jättebra och att Stephens regisserande var helt fenomenalt vilket man blir glad av att höra, att han gör ett så bra jobb!
Ikväll/morgon så kommer jag skriva utvärdering om avsnittet och vad jag tyckte och så diskuterar vi saker som hände och vad ni tror kommer hända osv, det kommer bli mycket här nu!
HÄR ser du True Blood