25 Things You Don’t Know About Me
Sam kommer att vara med i den kommande US Weekly Magazine då de kommer bland annat ha en artikel med: ‘25 Things You Don’t Know About Me’. Här är en liten sneak peek på vissa av de sakerna. För att läsa resten så kan du säkert köpa tidningen i butiker som t.ex press stop! :)
"I once lived on an Indian reservation.”
“I grew up next to a cemetery and always wished my house was haunted.”
“In high school, I played in a Rush cover band.”
“I’m a vocabulary nerd.”
“I once stole a moped in Florence, Italy – then returned it.”
“I’ve watched SNL religiously since I was a kid. Yes, it’s as good as it used to be.”
Intervju- Chris Bauer i G4′s ‘Attack of the Show’
Nästa avsnitt ''Whatever I Am, You Made Me'' SPOILERS
Bill and Eric barter for their lives with the Authority Chancellors and their leader, Roman (Christopher Meloni). Salome and Roman enlist a new ally in the face of Russell’s return. Sookie goes to Fangtasia to ask for help from Pam, who is still caught up in her memories of Eric and the strange murders at the Comstock Brothel. Andy’s dalliance with Holly (Lauren Bowles) comes back to bite him in the butt; later, he’s visited by Gordon (Steve Rankin) and Barbara Pelt (Linda Purl), who are searching for Debbie. Jason bumps into an old high schoolteacher, but their reunion brings up conflicting feelings.

True Blood videos: Klipp från nästa avsnitt ''Whatever I Am, You Made Me'' SPOILERS

Video: Alexander Skargård och Stephen Moyer pratar om the Authority SPOILERS

True Blood Säsong 5 - The Vampire Authority SPOILERS

Preview: ''Whatever I Am, You Made Me'' SPOILERS

Inside the Episode - ''Authority Always Wins''
Avsnitt 2:''Authority Always Wins'' - Diskussion SPOILERS
I söndags den 17 Juni sändes avsnitt 2 av True Blood, säsong 5 i USA. I kommentarerna nedan kan du diskutera vad du tyckte om avsnittet.
Det hände så mycket mer! Lägg till egna kommentarer nedan.
Snabb genomgång av andra avsnittet ''Authority Always Wins'' handlade om:
True Blood Season 5: Everything Is At Stake – Promo SPOILERS
True Blood videos: Klipp från nästa avsnitt ''Authority Always Wins''
True Blood böckerna på svenska - Del 6 Stendöd

Sookie har inte särskilt många släktingar och därför tycker hon naturligtvis att det är väldigt tråkigt att förlora en av dem. Till och med när det handlar om kusin Hadley – vampyr och mäktiga drottningen av Louisianas speciella favorit. Hadley har efterlämnat allt hon äger till Sookie, men också berättat att gåvan medför stora risker. För det finns dem som inte vill att Sookie ska gräva alltför mycket i Hadleys förflutna – eller i hennes ägodelar. Och de är beredda att göra vad som helst för att hindra henne…
Bok sju på svenska kommer komma ut i Juli 2012.
Trailer för de kommande fem avsnitten av True Blood Säsong 5 SPOILERS
Säsong 4 på Dvd och Bluray

Nästa avsnitt ''Authority Always Wins'' SPOILERS
At the Vampire Authority headquarters in New Orleans, Bill and Eric meet Salome (Valentina Cervi) and become acquainted with the Authority’s interrogation techniques. Pam (Kristin Bauer van Straten) recalls her human life as the madam of the Comstock Brothel in San Francisco, and her first encounter with Eric. Werewolves J.D. (Louis Herthum) and Rikki (Kelly Overton) pay tribute to Marcus, but Alcide refuses to participate or take his rightful place as the new packmaster. Martha Bozeman (Dale Dickey) shows up wanting to see her granddaughter, causing conflict for Sam and Luna (Janina Gavankar). Fearing Russell’s return, Sookie procures a home-protection system; Arlene (Carrie Preston) tries to get to the bottom of Terry’s erratic behavior; Steve Newlin stops by with an offer for Jessica; and Jason feels the brunt of his womanizing ways.
Preview: ''Authority Always Wins'' SPOILERS
True Blood Season 5 Background info: Pam and her progenies
From the season 2 Blu-Ray we learn who Pam’s first progeny was. His name was Colin.
Jessica videobloggar - ''Mama needs a drink''
Säsong 4 sänds i vinter på Svt

Jessica har börjat videoblogga igen! - ''I'm Back and Ready to Celebrate''
Inside the Episode - ''Turn! Turn! Turn!''
Avsnitt 1:''Turn! Turn! Turn!'' - Diskussion SPOILERS
I söndags den 10 Juni sändes avsnitt 1 av True Blood, säsong 5 i USA. I kommentarerna nedan kan du diskutera vad du tyckte om avsnittet.
Det hände så mycket mer! Lägg till egna kommentarer nedan.
Snabb genomgång av första avsnittet ''Turn! Turn! Turn!'' handlade om:
True Blood Säsong 5 - Premiär inatt!
Sookie (Anna Paquin) and Lafayette (Nelsan Ellis) struggle with the aftermath of Tara’s (Rutina Wesley) shooting, while also cleaning up after Debbie Pelt. Meanwhile, Bill (Stephen Moyer) and Eric (Alexander Skarsgård), cleaning up a mess of their own, are visited by the Vampire Authority, one of whom is Nora (Lucy Griffiths), a woman from Eric’s past. In search of the missing Marcus, Alcide’s (Joe Manganiello) werewolf pack comes after Sam (Sam Trammell). With Bill away, Jessica (Deborah Ann Woll) enjoys her new freedom by partying with local college kids; Jason (Ryan Kwanten) is visited by the recently turned Rev. Steve Newlin (Michael McMillian); Terry’s (Todd Lowe) PTSD is reignited by Patrick Devins (Scott Foley), an old Iraq War buddy; and Alcide turns up at Sookie’s to warn her about the recently resurfaced Russell Edgington (Denis O’Hare).
Vidoes: True Blood Säsong 5 Avsnitt 1 ''Turn! Turn! Turn!'' Sneak Peeks
BARA 2 DAGAR KVAR! - True Blood Season 5 Countdown: 2 Days
Se Säsong 5 av True Blood?
True Blood Behind-the-Scenes Video

Intervju Med Deborah Ann Woll & Nya Lucy Griffiths
Säsong 5- Manuset Mellan Jason Stackhouse & Steve Newlin
Dagens Bild - Pam, Säsong 5
Tina Majorino får en återkommande roll i True Blood

Veronica Mars alumna and current Bones co-star, Tina Majorino, has booked a recurring gig on True Blood, TVLine reports. You might also remember her as Heather of Big Love.
Tina will play a key member of the Vampire Authority’s support staff who first appears in Episode 3, which is scheduled to air June 24.
KällaTrue Blood Season 5 Countdown: 4 Days
Ny Poster Säsong 5 - Stake Five
HBO reklam med True Blood
True Blood Season 5: Maker's Day Promo
Intervju: Jacob Hopkins spelar den nioåriga vampyren Alexander Drew

Jacob Hopkins might be too young to watch Alan Ball’s ‘True Blood’, but he still wound up being cast as the youngest character ever on the show (besides the infant that was thought to be cursed, but we don’t count that!). He’ll be playing Alexander Drew, a vampire who was turned at the age of nine who is part of theVampire Authority and has a penchant for taunting the big boys. He’s even gotten so into his character that one day when one of the makeup people called out the name ‘Alex’ both he and Alexander Skarsgard answered. As everyone who’s ever met Skarsgard knows, he’s always funny so he just referred to Hopkins as ‘the other Alex‘ while quickly pointing out how well he’s doing in his role as Alexander Drew.
Did you watch True Blood before you got the role of Alexander Drew?
JH: No, of course not! Not in human years, but if I was really a vampire I would love too!
What was the audition like for True Blood, and what did you do to prepare for it?
JH: I remember there was like six people in the room when I auditioned. I was going in for the producers and Alan Ball was there too. My dad is my acting coach and he really prepared me for it. I went in there being really strong, sarcastic and pretty much full of myself. Like I was more important then any character in the scene or anybody in the room. That’s how I think Alexander thinks.
Are you excited getting to play a vampire who isn’t very nice?
JH: Well, let’s just say I get to boss adults around and get in their faces – I don’t get to do that everyday!
What’s been the weirdest part of playing a vampire?
JH: I think it would be looking pale and white with the makeup. I looked kind of freaky when I looked in the mirror.
You hold a brown belt in Taekwondo, are you going for the next level?
JH: Yes, in less then two months I test for my high brown belt.
Do you parents still make you do chores around the house?
JH: On Saturdays, my brother and I do chores. My Dad gives us each a list and afterwards, we get to pick either a super hero comic book, super hero trading cards or a marvel action figure toy – I love that part!
What do you like to do when you’re not acting?
JH: I like to swim, draw, play video games, read, play handball, spend time with my family, and of course Taekwondo.
Is it hard trying to do well in school along with acting?
JH: Not so much. My school teacher is really good about getting all my work together so I have it on set with my set teacher. I have had really great set teachers and Millie from True Blood is my favorite. Sometimes when I get really busy, I can get tired, but I really like school.