True Blood ► Only Human
We have often shown our love for the sultry sexy ways of those who have fangs, and our adoration for the big feroucious strength of the werewolves and those shapeshifters sure are cute, but we sometimes forget to show our appreciation for the humans that are also on True Blood.
What would True Blood be without the human interaction that occurs with the vampires, werewolves and shapeshifters? For me, although I’m definitely a vampire fanatic, as far as True Blood is concerned, I think it’s important for us to thank the humans of the show.
True Blood just wouldn’t be the same without them? So, to Sookie, even though we now know she is “something more than human”, and all the other members of the cast that play the humans, we say thank you!
Postat av: annica
uppdater oftare, förövrigt toppen blogg. men det känns ni borde ta bloggen till nästa steget..
mvh trueblood fan