Deborah Ann Woll i nästa månads Rolling Stone
Jessica har börjat videoblogga igen!
10 Things You Should Know About Deborah Ann Woll
1. She’s a natural blond! Guess Jessica can’t make fun of Arlene anymore for her fake red hair. Deborah started dying her locks in high school so she’d stand out more — plus she always wanted people to call her “Red.” Deb’s hair color might be a big ol’ lie, but her fair skin is 100 percent legit: “I am naturally as pale as a dead person. I was made to be a vampire.”
2. To prepare for her role as Jessica, Deborah watched lots of animal attack footage. ‘Cause that’s a normal thing to do. No wonder Deborah’s so convincing when she’s chowing down on Hoyt’s neck.
3. She’s an advocate for people with choroideremia. Deborah’s boyfriend Edward Scott has choroideremia, a condition which causes eventual blindness. It’s so sad that one day he won’t be able to see his gal’s pretty face! We’re glad that Deborah uses her celeb status as a fangy freak for such a good cause!
4. Her favorite show is Mystery Science Theater 3000. Major nerd alert! While Deb’s not moonlighting as a teenage vampire, she indulges in her favorite hobby — watching an episode of MST 3000 every night before bed.
5. She perfected a southern drawl in just five days. When Deborah found out that she’d nabbed the role of Jessica on True Blood, she only had five days to get her accent down. This girl is such a pro, she has us convinced she was Louisiana born and bred. We just assumed Deb sat around eating hoe cakes with some inbreds on her off-days!
6. She thinks fear is sexy. “I think that fear and sexuality are very closely linked. I think things that scare us are a little bit sexy. Things that are unknown attract us. And blood, that deep, red, rich warm, life. There’s something really beautiful about that, which we may have some trouble admitting to. There’s something very beautiful about it flowing against the pale vampiric skin.” If Eric = fear, and fear= sexy, then Deborah’s right on!
7. She has Celiac disease. Deborah is unable to break down gluten, so she’ll just have to stick to drinking Tru Blood and Hoyt’s bodily fluids.
8. She met her boyfriend online! Yes, even celebs use dating websites. Deborah met her man Edward Scott on! Their mutual interests? Graveyard sex, animal slaughtering and naked fairies… duh!
9. Deborah’s from The Big Apple, but she gets no sleep ‘til Brooklyn, her home sweet home! This native New Yorker might be sunning it up in Cali, but sometimes she accidentally slips into a Brooklyn accent on set. Her inner Beastie Boy totally wants to come out and drink some blood!
10. She’s a former Vogue model. Makes sense. Just look at this gal! Even her vampire daddy is lusting after her. (You know it’s only a matter of time til they bang fangs.)
Deborah Ann Woll i '' Seven Days in Utopia''
The movie starring Deborah Ann Woll follows the story of Luke Chisolm (Lucas Black), a talented young golfer set on making the pro tour. When his first big shot turns out to be a very public disaster, Luke escapes the pressures of the game and finds himself unexpectedly stranded in Utopia, Texas, home to eccentric rancher Johnny Crawford (Robert Duvall). But Johnny’s more than meets the eye, and his profound ways of looking at life force Luke to question not only his past choices, but his direction for the future
Bilder på Deborah från filmen:
Filmen kommer ha premiär i sommar i USA, men vet inte när den har premiär i Sverige än...
Ja må hon leva!
Ps: samma dag som jag xD
Deborah Ann Woll skriver autografer
Mother's Day
(Den har premiär i USA den 1 april 2011)
Sweet Child O' Mine ~ Bill & Jessica
Deborah Ann Woll makes Sexiest Stars of 2010 List
True Blood’s Deborah Ann Woll has been named one of the ‘Sexiest Stars Of 2010’ by Entertainment Weekly. She’s number 27th. Here’s what they had to say about Deborah:
On a show as sexually charged as True Blood is, it can be tough to stand out. Unless you’re Deborah Ann Woll, whose innocent(ish) redheaded babyvamp Jessica steals the show, week after week. —ML
Deborah as vampire Jessica Hamby is the only one currently still in the show that made the list. Former cast member Mehcad Brooks who played character Eggs in season 2 came in at number 28.
Deborah i Allure issue
![allure_003 allure 003 282x400 Deborah Ann Woll shows many faces in Allure](
![Click to view full size image](
New York Fashion Week
Jessica: Signing Off For a While
Jessica - A Dead Girl's Guide
Hennes egna blogg hittar ni HÄR och även under länkar till vänster.
Jessicas blogg - My name is not April
I've been havin' the weirdest dreams lately. And you know who's in all of 'em? Jonathan Taylor Thomas. It's always the same. He's my boyfriend, he comes over one mornin' to make breakfast but the fridge is empty. So we go to the grocery store to buy waffles - he loves waffles - and Hoyt is the checkout boy. He looks so cute in that little orange smock. But he won't look at me, it's like I'm not even there. He tells Jonathan how lucky he is to have a girl like me, how he once had a girlfriend with red hair too. And then a voice comes over the loudspeaker to announce a sale in aisle twelve. Jonathan starts screamin' about how boysenberry syrup goes better with Eggos than the maple kind, and then all of a sudden, he shifts into a werewolf, just like the ones I saw the other night. He goes runnin' out the slidin' doors and Hoyt looks up at me like I only just appeared at that very moment, out of thin air. He says, hello April. And I say, my name's not April, it's Jessica. And that's when I wake up. Every time.
Läs resten HÄR
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Entertainment Weekly foton av Deborah Ann Woll
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Jessica: Guess who's home?
Jessicas blogg: Special Guest Appearance!
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Jessicas blogg!!
Ville bara tipsa om at Jessica har uppdaterat sin blogg!! Inte med ett video inlagg denna gang men med en bild ;)
Hennes blogg hittar ni HAR
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Jessica har uppdaterat sin blogg
Har ar borjan på dom:
Fruit Leathers and Chicken Babies
The last thing I ate? A fruit leather. Lame, I know. And here I am now, workin' at a restaurant that serves burgers and rings and, like, seven types of beer, and I'm never gonna be able to have any of it. Kinda funny, isn't it? Don't get me wrong, I'm THRILLED to have a job (my first job, actually!) but the ironies of bein' a vampire seem never-endin'.Och
The Solid Kind of Happy
I've been wonderin' about my human family a lot lately. Not the pinin', missin' kind of wonderin', but the curious kind. I think it's 'cause my human birthday is coming up. I haven't told Bill or Sookie or anyone about it. Doesn't really matter anymore, I guess, it's not like I'm going to turn eighteen. But like, what's my mama wearin' today?![](
(Eftersom Nilli ar borta, tankte jag uppdatera lite)