Photoshoot med Deborah Ann Woll

Deborah Ann Woll är med i augustinumret av Instyle Magazine. Kläderna hon har på sig är av modeskaparen Mark Jacobs. Klicka för större.


Deborah Ann Woll i Esquire Magazine

Esquire Magazine har i det här nummret intervjuat kvinnor som berättar roliga skämt. Deborah berättar ett skämt om nunnor och förklarar vad som gör  henne till en "girl boner".deborah ann woll by tyler shields

The Joke:

Two nuns are driving down a road late at night when a vampire jumps onto the hood of their car. The one nun says to the other, “Quick! Show him your cross!” So the other nun leans out the window and shouts, “Get off our f–ing car!”

About the Jokester:

Deborah Ann Woll likes gruesome animal-attack videos. Much more than she thought she would, at least. The 25-year-old Brooklyn native watched them to get into character for her role as befanged teenager Jessica Hamby on the HBO vampire drama True Blood. Before the study of crocodiles severing deer limbs became a job requirement, Woll spent ten years in theater, which led to guest roles on shows like CSI, My Name Is Earl, and The Mentalist. True Blood provided her first recurring gig, not to mention the fresh perspective on gender roles that comes with a pair of fangs: “Having the girl be the vampire, with these external shows of power, just turns the story on its head. The [fangs] flicking out, to me, it’s kind of like a girl boner.” That just doesn’t happen on The Mentalist.


Jessica har uppdaterat sin blogg SPOILERS

SPOILERS för er som int ehar sätt säsong 3

Nu har Jessica uppdaterat sin videoblogg igen:

Jessica's Blog: Where is Bill F**king Compton?


Jessicas blogg

Jessica har uppdaterat sin blogg med ett nytt klipp:

Jessica's Blog: Is Anyone Out There?


Jessica har skaffat blogg!!

Hahah vampyren Jessica har skaffat en videoblogg :)

Jessica's Blog: True Blah

Klicka HÄR eller på bilden för att komma till hennes blogg

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Även lagt till den bland länkar på höger sida

Jessica på Merlottes??

I det senaste klippet såg vi Jessica med en Merlotte tröja!! Hon kanske börjar jobba där??



Den 7 Februari var det Deborah Ann Woll's födelsedag!
Grattis till henne!


En intervju med vackra Deborah!

TB-N: What surprised you the most about the popularity of Jessica’s character?

I was surprised at how open the fans were to see the character in a different light.  She was initially presented as a bit of a pain, but other perhaps more tragic sides of the role have been addressed in the second season. I was surprised that people seemed so willing to change their first impressions.

TB-N: Has your life been changed as a result of your popularity on True Blood?

My life has certainly changed because of True Blood and Jessica.  First of all, more roles have opened up to me, and I now have more opportunities to meet other artists.  It has also changed how I am perceived. I think before I may have been seen as a more wholesome type; and now edgier projects are opening up to me, which I am very pleased about.

TB-N: We’ve read in other interviews that the character Jessica is nothing like you in real life, but we do see the shyness in Jessica, which we hear is a part of your persona. Are there any other characteristics of Jessica that you share?

Jessica definitely has shyness to her, but I think the difference is she can’t be alone.  She needs stimulation to come from outside herself, which is the mark of an extrovert – and why she goes looking for trouble.  I am definitely an introvert. I prefer being alone or with a very few close friends.  I would never go to a bar by myself to pick up a strange boy.  She is far braver than I.

I would say that Jessica and I are romantics.  For both of us, the most important thing in the world is to love someone and be loved in return. Everything we do hinges on that.  At heart, Jessica is just trying to do the right thing and find out who she wants to be – and that involves making mistakes. Unfortunately, a mistake as a vampire could lead to murder, but to each their own. ; )  Of course, questioning and searching are marks of humanity that we all understand.  We just all go about it differently.


TB-N: You play the piano and so does Stephen Moyer. If given the chance, would you consider playing piano on the show, perhaps in a scene where Daddy Compton is teaching Jessica?

Ha Ha. That’s an interesting idea. I’ve often thought that Jessica probably would have had strict lessons growing up and so she might hold some resentment towards the instrument.  That would be a fun scene: Daddy Compton tried to get me to go back to it.  I could cause some havoc with that. Bwa-Ha-Ha!

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// Nilli <3

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