Bästa replikerna från The Sun
Jason to Niall: If you know me so well, you know I hate tests.
Pam to Nora and Eric: Maybe we should be scared, there’s more of them than us and they’re pissed and now there are fuckin’ weapons and they stole all my shit and you and you’re fucking authority cronies fucked us.
Nora to Pam: I’m so so sorry that your little bar was robbed and your scared but Eric and I have to deal with a small matter of killing a vampire God.
Eric to all: If humans want war, we’ll give them war. Scour the vampire bible; figure out what kind of monster Bill is.
Lillith: We are in no place. You think you still get to be Bill Compton? It is the beginning, events have been set in motion.
Arlene to Sookie: Sookie Stackhouse, I don’t know who you think you are, but last time I checked, you were still a waitress at a little diner called Merlottes and it says here, you have a shift. And in case you’ve forgotten that means you serve people food and they give you money.
Arlene to Sookie: Well, guess what missy hangover, that ain’t my GD problem.
Arlene to Patrick’s wife: Life is really a shit sandwich sometimes.
Arlene to Merlotte’s LA guest: Sugar, this is Bon Temps.Down here organic means you play the fancy piano at church.
Sam to Nicole: Listen, Nicole you seem like a nice person but you don’t know fuck all about my life, this is Louisiana, do you know what that means?
Nicole to Sam: I know that my white grandmother and my black grandfather were freedom riders and in 1961 they defied members of the civil rights movement, even Dr. King. They boarded a bus and drove down to the deep south to end segregation and they were attacked and yea, they were a little naive, but their actions started the civil rights movement.So, yea, I know what the fuck that means.
Lillith to Bill: A tyrant is rising; it is the beginning of the end. You must complete my work.
Lillithto Bill: There is no God, but God.
Ben to Sookie: Sometimes it don’t matter how hard you try to do the right thing, it just turns out wrong.
Ben to Sookie: It’s been a long time since anybody showed me even an ounce of human kindness. It makes the big bad world seem a little less lonely.
Andy to the wherever Maurella is: They keep growing, what the hell’s that about? Their faeries, I don’t know shit about baby faeries. You need to take ‘em back.
Andy to the wherever Maurella is: I want to be a good daddy to these kids, but I don’t know how.
Jason to Niall: Sookie said he just came through the air, like his face was in a ziplock bag.
Governor to Eric: They attacked a Chuckie Cheese yesterday. A vampire stole two little kids, turned them into to tiny little vampires and those little fangers, well they murdered their mama and daddy, sucked them dry right in their own living room.
Eric to Governor: I suppose they were just trying to survive, those little baby vampires, just like the whooping crane.
Governor to Eric: I have spent years waiting for the political winds to swing my way and then you fuckers went out and bombed your own damn true blood factories. All of a sudden, no more obstacles, I’m a genius, so thank you for that. It’s time for humans to bite back.
Jason to Sookie: Sookie Stackhouse, I’d like you to meet our faery granfather, Niall, he’s gonna help us kill Warlow.
Jason to Sookie: He’s been trackin’ Warlow like he’s bubba fete, like an intergalactic bounty hunter. Not actual inter-galactic travel but space and time shit that kinda hurts my head.
Jason to Sookie and Niall: Whoa, whoa, whoa, you’re a King? That makes you a faery princess and me a faery prince.
Niall to Jason: The gene skipped you.
Niall to Sookie: We can channel our light into a single ball of energy that when released will go super nova killing any vampire it touches.
Martha to Sam: I am sorry if my mistake caused Luna her life, but Emma belongs with us.
Jessica to Bill: You said you could feel the pain of all vampires, I was wondering if you could feel mine, because I’m scared.
Jessica to Bill: It feels like the world is spinning out of control and I have this terrible feeling that out there its just chaos and in here…I was raised on the human bible and then you gave me the vampire bible and i don’t know if I believe any of it.Are you Lillith? Are you God?
Lillith to Bill: You will save us, save us all. You will know what to do, trust what you see.
Bill: I can see the future. They’re all gonna burn.