New York Mag intervjuar Chris Bauer
Här kommer en liten kort intervju med vår Chris Bauer och är det bara jag som tycker han ser gullig ut i dem där glasögonen?!
Chris Bauer, who plays drunken, slovenly Bon Temps police officer Andy Bellefleur on True Blood, is spending his hiatus in the gym: "I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I’ve been lucky to do it on TV for a long time, and I just finally … it was, like, one day I just looked up there and saw me,” Bauer told us last night at the Broadway opening of A Life in the Theatre. “And especially after the second season of True Blood, where my character had so let himself go, life was imitating art, big-time, and I just decided I want to do whatever I can to look as good as I can." No matter how good he looks, though, Bauer says that when it comes to playing the character, he plays it the way they write it. So does that mean when True Blood’s next season starts in June, they’ll have to hang jowls and pad his buff belly? "I doubt it," Bauer told us. “I mean, that show is all about sex, no matter what, so people should want to sleep with my character as much as anybody else.” We pointed out that his character is one of the few on the show with no nude scenes. "It's only a matter of time,” he said. "There’s, like, a bull’s eye on everybody’s back on that show. I'm not going to get caught unprepared."