The Romantics
Anna har spelat/spelar in en film som heter The Romantics på Long Island. Hon spelar en tjej som heter Lila och filmen ska ha premiär 2010. I filmen medverkar oxå Katie Holmes, Elijah Wood och Josh Duhamel bland annat.
Så här står det om filmen:
The production company, Plum Pictures, describes the film as “a zeitgeist love story and generational comedy, taking place over the course of one night at a deluxe seaside wedding” in which “seven close friends — all members of a tight, eclectic college clique — reconvene to watch two of their own tie the knot.”
Bilder från inspelningen:

Det ser lite kallt ut x)
// Fanny <33
Så här står det om filmen:
The production company, Plum Pictures, describes the film as “a zeitgeist love story and generational comedy, taking place over the course of one night at a deluxe seaside wedding” in which “seven close friends — all members of a tight, eclectic college clique — reconvene to watch two of their own tie the knot.”
Bilder från inspelningen:

Det ser lite kallt ut x)
// Fanny <33